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Stay Strong








Yes, now is the time to stay strong.

I found this hand written note from my dear mother and decided to frame it.

It is certainly needed in this time. My mother grew up  in a different era.

Though some things were much easier, life did still bring

conflict and problems to be solved.

Yet she had a deep faith in God and always,

no matter the situation, relied on His strength.

She was a beautiful, faith-filled godly woman and I am

so thankful for her influence in my life.

Her words to us today would be the same: stay strong.

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Everything changes around us but Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday, today and forever. Be encouraged and stay strong!

There will be a new slant on “Lovely Lane” in the weeks

ahead bringing us to”Nell’s Corner.”

We will share #allthingsnostalgic, a bit of mother’s advice

and bring back good memories to keep us on track in

this current day.

I hope you share this journey with me with your own sweet memories.










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