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Stay Strong








Yes, now is the time to stay strong.

I found this hand written note from my dear mother and decided to frame it.

It is certainly needed in this time. My mother grew up  in a different era.

Though some things were much easier, life did still bring

conflict and problems to be solved.

Yet she had a deep faith in God and always,

no matter the situation, relied on His strength.

She was a beautiful, faith-filled godly woman and I am

so thankful for her influence in my life.

Her words to us today would be the same: stay strong.

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Everything changes around us but Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday, today and forever. Be encouraged and stay strong!

There will be a new slant on “Lovely Lane” in the weeks

ahead bringing us to”Nell’s Corner.”

We will share #allthingsnostalgic, a bit of mother’s advice

and bring back good memories to keep us on track in

this current day.

I hope you share this journey with me with your own sweet memories.









“Weekend Wanderings” by Cynthia A. Lovely

 IN MY WORDS – Another summer weekend with the requisite water views.

This lovely lane goes by the ocean along duBois Beach in Stonington, CT.


We had a sweet getaway. Supportive husband spent some time exploring Rhode Island and sitting on the beach while I learned more writing skills and hung out with my writerly crowd at a Writer’s Seminar.

Added bonus was spending quality time with my cousin in nearby Mystic. She led us all along the coast in RI and both days we beat the dinner crowds by going early for spectacular waterfront dining.

Ah…summer. Even with the high temps, it was wonderful. Oh yeah, and we cooled down by watching Hallmark Christmas in July movies in the evenings. 😎

What did you do this past weekend?

Plans for next one? Don’t wait…summer is going by quickly so enjoy it while you can!


“Time to Take a Different Road” by Cynthia A. Lovely

In My Words – Major construction on my road the past several weeks. The progress is slow and rainy weather in between has not helped.

Delays, bumpy road, no center line; it has not been pleasant.

So…rather than complain about something I have no control over, I chose a different way to work.

And discovered lovely new views to admire, especially with the fall foliage. Views I might have missed if I kept to my original ride, with all its new problems.

This different road is about the same distance and leads through many rolling hills and beautiful scenery. Yes, I need to go slower because it is curvy and steep in parts. The slower speed does not make my commute much longer. It brightens my day and I enjoy the new vistas.

The Lord has been taking us down some different roads lately in our spiritual walk. It’s not always easy to try them out or to make the change. Yet He probably has wonderful and delightful things in store for us on our new paths.

Just around the next corner…

Has God been taking you down new roads lately? Remember – He has promised to direct our paths.


Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

“Lavender Fields Forever…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – We were traveling last weekend and went by a nondescript house that advertised lavender.

We had gone by it before on the way to Orient Point ferry but never had time to stop. “Let’s stop this time,” I said. Of course, we had already passed it and had to turn around on the highway but how hard could it be? A quick break at this sweet little house to perhaps pick up some lavender plants and gifts to bring home.

We turned around and pulled into the driveway. Wait, there was a guy directing traffic? We followed his advice and turned left along another looooonnnng driveway. With cars parked everywhere in neat orderly rows. We kept driving with no available space to park and turned down yet another lonnnnnnggg dirt road. With more parked cars. Eventually coming to the lovely lavender fields. By then we were much too far from the original house. Took some pics and drove back out. I guess this was a popular place (on a weekday no less!) and filled with people wandering the fields and stopping at the little house/shop out front.  Yes, appearances can be deceiving. Who knew the riches hidden back behind this house? Rows upon rows of sweet, fragrant, royal purple plants…

It did make me think of the hidden riches God has for us.

From the busy road we’re on or our current viewpoint we don’t see the whole picture.

Once we turn into His will, a whole new world opens up that we didn’t see or understand before.

Sweet, fragrant, royal blessings of God!

Ephesians 3:20, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

I’m believing God for great things this summer and for hidden riches to be revealed.

What are you believing God for? Can you imagine the riches He has in store for you?




“The Journey of De-cluttering” by Cynthia A. Lovely

Living Lovely – There is a plethora of advice available of how to live successful lives. The more I muse upon this thought, the more I veer towards simplicity. Success can be defined in many ways, but each one must determine what is most important. To me, my heart longs to simplify. And it starts at home.

There is too much “stuff” in my household. I have been working at it bit by bit. Are you also surrounded by “stuff?” Is your life filled with “things?” We plan to move to another house eventually and I refuse to drag everything along and fill up another place. The tricky part is deciding what goes and what stays. I will still hold to things if they are heirlooms or have too much sentimental value. Up to a point. : ) For example there is an old cookie jar boxed in my garage. It was always on my mother’s table in our kitchen and holds too many memories. I got as far as boxing it and putting it in the garage to go but still haven’t gotten rid of it. It’s not always easy…

Join me on this adventure of de-cluttering and together we’ll celebrate how freeing it can be. Don’t get overwhelmed. Step by step, week by week.

What is your worst area of clutter?

I think mine at the moment is paperwork and books. Let’s learn how to live lovely and invite a new measure of success to our lives!


“The Masterpiece” Book Review

The Masterpiece, Hardcover   -     By: Francine Rivers


 TODAY – My latest read was this new book by Francine Rivers. And yes, it is a “Masterpiece.” This is the best book I’ve read in a long time and I highly recommend it. It runs 484 pages but trust me, it will go by fast because you will find every available moment to continue reading. It is labeled a Romance but it is so much more than a romance.

The main characters Roman the artist and Grace the personal assistant, are beautifully drawn, the setting perfect and the story line incredible. Rivers wanted to explore two characters who suffered childhood trauma and how it impacted their adult lives. She also wanted to write the story to stress the importance of knowing and following Christ completely in a culture that says, “anything goes and you’re still going to heaven no matter how you live.” The full gospel is woven throughout the theme along with the very real battle of darkness and light. I love how she portrays the reality of the spiritual world that we cannot see with our natural vision.

The story brought tears but also laughter and joy at the wondrous works of God through every situation. Oh, do yourself and favor and go find this book! You won’t be sorry. And it is the perfect time of year to celebrate the redemption story…

If you’ve read it, let me know what you think of it in a comment!


“Buttons” by Cynthia A. Lovely

YESTERDAYDo you have a button tin, box or jar in your family?

Maybe carried over from your mother or grandmother?

I’ve had a few tins from my mother and have held on to them for years. Why? Memories.

It reminds me how they grew up in a time when life was simple and saving was important. If a blouse, dress or shirt lost buttons, they were repaired. If the garment was threadbare and beyond hope, the buttons were cleanly snipped off and stored to be used for something else. To repair another piece of clothing or perhaps, used in a craft project.

Things weren’t tossed away as easily in those days. People were taught to save whether it be clothing, money, home furnishings or relationships. There was an understanding of how to treasure and restore what they had.

Today if an article of clothing loses buttons or rips, we’re just as likely to toss it in a giveaway pile and go buy something new. If a relationship turns rocky, we walk away to find someone else. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost focus of how to value what we have. While de-cluttering my home, I’m reminded of old time values and inspired to hold on to what truly matters.

Faith, family, friends. Kindness.

But not all the button tins!

I am letting go of a couple of the tins as I know I won’t use them. Someone “craftier” than me will enjoy them. But I’m still holding on to one as a reminder of a simple way of life.


“A Lovely Country Christmas” by Cynthia

My Country Home ready for Christmas…


Yes, it’s all about Jesus. Let us be thankful for all of God’s blessings in our lives.

Best wishes for a peaceful Christmas season filled with the sweet presence of Jesus.


“These Boots Were Made For…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN MY WORDS – Walking, running, strolling, kicked-back relaxing, spring, summer, winter and fall; you name it and we’ve got a boot for it!

I couldn’t resist a counter post to my friend Connie Clyburn and her stellar idea of a boot of the month club. Yes! Although it did get me thinking…how often can southern gals wear boots? Doesn’t it get too hot? Aren’t most of you warm weather birds more of a sandal and flip-floppy kind of gal?

Here in the north country, we can wear boots like…anytime! Even when the temperatures climb, there always seems to be a cooling off period. The short brown boots are for in between weather.

  • The black quilted ones for rain.
  • Taller navy for all-denim wardrobe and they even have a cozy lining.
  • The black side zippered for a little bit of bling.
  • The middle skinny heel ones for when I’m balanced out enough not to topple over wearing them. Oh, but they are so fun to wear!
  • The off white fuzzy ones for light snow and to wear with all my winter-white.

And of course the colorful cowgirl boots when I really want to rock the town : ) When I put them on, there’s an immediate surge of attitude.

Due to weariness from setting up this photo op and dragging all the boots downstairs, this photo does NOT include all my boots. Most of the winter ones I have not pulled out of storage yet. Hmm..maybe a boot of the month club wouldn’t be such a great idea. I surely would run out of storage space. But I hope Connie gets her wish so she doesn’t resort to a life of crime. Though I could just about imagine her holding up a boot store with a potato masher and pop gun. They probably would give her the boots for free once they stopped laughing.

Maybe for Christmas we could all send her boots. But lighter, cooler ones for that southern climate..

Be sure to read Connie’s Post:    

Your turn: Anyone else love boots?


“Needle Nerves” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN OTHER WORDS “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself–nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror …” FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT 

You may be one of the brave ones who have no fear of needles and march into the lab, already intent on your next errand and the busy day ahead of you.OR you may be like me who used to, and probably always will…hate needles. As a little girl, I would get light-headed in the doctor’s office and grew to expect the strong scent of smelling salts. I never got over my aversion but I can handle them better now. Well, sort of.

I went for some blood work last week. I didn’t allow  myself to think about it much beforehand (always a mistake to dwell on it) so I went in with a somewhat brave attitude. I sat in the chair in the lab and immediately noticed the cool air wafting directly overhead. Normally, I hate drafts but hey, what a good idea to keep the patient cool. I studied the male nurse as he entered the computer data to run the correct labels. Okay, this was good. He looked hefty and strong and could probably catch me easily if I started to get woozy.

He came over and asked me, “which arm would you prefer?” “Neither,” was my immediate response. I backtracked and said “whichever one is easier for you.” Always be kind to the one wielding the sharp instrument about to pierce your fragile flesh. He did what nurses do and it was over very quickly. Relatively painless and I didn’t get woozy. I also didn’t watch. They post all those happy, colorful pictures on the walls for cowards like me. (calm blue waters, sunny beaches, happy faces, who are they kidding?)

I complimented him on his good work (again, always be kind…) and left with a spiffy white cottony bandage covering my tender wound. Drank down some orange juice and went on into work. I have finally learned that the fear is what actually makes me so sick. The Lord helped me to see this in one of those grand revelations on the way to a lab appointment many years ago. I had fretted over the appointment for days and worked myself into a state of panic. I almost had to pull over on the way there and realized I was making myself sick with the fear. The whole process of facing the needle would take about five minutes out of my life but I was allowing the enemy to torture me with fear for hours on end.

Today, we face a troubled and volatile society. Now more than ever before, we need to place all our trust in Jesus. Fear thou not! Whether it be facing needles or facing life. Fear is not of God!

So, are you brave when facing needles? What fear have you conquered lately?

P.S. Okay, I have to admit, I had a problem with the picture that goes with this post. Doesn’t that needle look sharp?

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