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cartoons,Earth,ecology,environments,global warming,heats,hot,maps,nature,planets,sweating,worlds

Unbelievable temperatures the past few weeks. All across the United States.

Definitely days where you felt like you were just melting away. 

Our home has no air conditioning except for two of the rooms upstairs. Add to that the fact we decided to hold on to our CRV for just one more year, even though the air conditioning died at the end of last summer. “Surely we can make it through one more summer, ” I said to my husband. “I’ll be on a summer schedule at work so won’t have to drive in as many days, so I’ll take the CRV and you can drive the nice air-conditioned car.” Hubby happily agreed.

Fast forward to the last two weeks and learning how to cope with the heat.

  • All the windows down and racing through any yellow lights. Can’t stop or I’ll lose the breeze.
  • Long hair in one tight braid that still manages to get flyaways flinging out all over my head, giving a whole new meaning to the “windblown look.”
  • A plastic mug of ice in the cup holder that conveniently and thoroughly melts into a cold drink within minutes.

I’m learning how to live without ac in the midst of a heat wave. Feel like a character from a book. Will need to keep notes for my next story…

I’m wondering how people in the South cope with such high temps. What would you do if you had no air conditioning?

If you lose power during extreme heat?

Sassy Street – Phone Message Madness

Press 1 now to speak with a live operator for finance information on how to lower your interest rates.

Press 2 now if you would like to connect with a dead operator who cares about your financial woes about as much as the live operator. 

Press 3 if you would like to speak with a robot.

Press 4 for more helpful options.

I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve heard the first line on an actual phone message on my answering machine.

Because the writer of this phone monologue added the word “live” before operator, it inspired me to add on the other options.  🙂

This example clearly shows the difference one word can make to a sentence. If it started out with “to speak with an operator,” the sentence would have been fine.

Any other funny examples out there? Whether on a phone message, a TV commercial or in real life conversation- if you have a good example of word misuse, please do share it here!


Feeling like a little kid – Sassy St.










Feet swinging, head tilted, ready to embrace life – I felt like a little kid again. Black Mt, NC 2012 after the Blue Ridge conference. Something about spending a week with wild, wonderful wacky writers brings me back to that little kid feeling.

Maybe it’s the freedom of imagination. The endless “what-if’s” of conversation. The constant buzz of energy from class to workshop, devotions to meals. Non-stop creativity.  

I love it.

What brings you back to that little kid feeling?

A writing conference? Spending time with family? A certain setting? A day at the beach?

I challenge you this week to find that spark of childhood, follow where it leads and share your story in a comment here.





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