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“Plans…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD -Proverbs 3:5-6  (NKJV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Yes, I had to pick up this calendar since it had my name on it. I have designated this as a writing schedule and the only updates on each day is the type of writing I have accomplished.I’ve discovered keeping it separate helps me to focus.

And of course, my new appointment book by Paperblanks:

I love these little appointment books. The design on this one is “Azure” patterned after the 1688 binding of L’office ‘de la Semaine Sainte, detailing the rites of the Christian Holy Week, edged in gilt. I have my calendars and appointment books ready. Pages blank and new, waiting for my imprint. Yet I have no idea of what this year will bring.

Have you ever been in that place?

We are in such a waiting period right now, praying and searching for God’s direction. Stretching our faith till it squeaks. In that impossible situation where only God can intervene.

Trust. Acknowledge Him. He will direct our paths. When we looked yesterday, there was no path. No road. No signpost.

But when we look tomorrow, or the next day or the day after…there’s a road we never saw before! God has promised.              Oh, but the waiting is hard! Yet God is faithful.

Are you in a waiting period right now?

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.


“Step carefully…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

Do you trip easily?

Are you a fast walker?

Do you pay attention to where you’re going? 

How often we get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and find ourselves in places we never intended to be in.

This may not always be a forbidden place or dangerous territory. But it can be a place of complete distraction to where the Lord wants to lead us.

As I get older, I find myself intentionally slowing my pace. I’ve fallen before from not paying attention to where I was walking, tripped on a broken sidewalk and broken my wrist. Painful consequences of not “pondering the path!”

I’m sure we don’t want to stumble or fall in our spiritual walk. Or to rush ahead of God’s plan.

My prayer for you: God help us to learn how to ponder the path of our feet and allow all our ways to be established in You. 

Question: This week, have you thought about where you are walking? Is it time to slow down?



“Can You Count the Stars?” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – Christmas is the season of light…and the light of the stars.

During this busy time of year take a moment to STOP.

Look upward and gaze at the beautiful night sky.

The God we love and serve keeps track of every star and names them!

I find that incredible. What a wondrous, amazing, loving, Creator.

If He gives such thought to the stars in the heavens, how  much more does He watch over and care for you?

I challenge you to look at the stars tonight.

And to remember how deeply Jesus loves you.


“Seasons of Change” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – A familiar scripture. And as we grow older and wiser, we understand…this is life.

We can fight and kick against change or we can welcome and embrace whatever good we can find in it. Each season presents its own beauty. Summer lends itself to cheery sunshine, vacations and activity. Spring is a time of rebirth and budding flowers turning to beautiful blossoms. Autumn showcases a stunning display of God’s creativity and unlimited color palatte.

Winter? Hmm…I’m trying here, folks.  Winter is a time of shelter. Often our pace of life has to slow down due to weather. With icy roads and snow swept highways we may choose to tuck in at home and catch up on all those things we never have time for. We are challenged to slow   the   pace.

I often find it ironic when people think they can control everything and everyone around them, yet a barrage of tiny snowflakes can eventually thwart the best laid plans. A simple reminder…we are not in control.      God holds it all in His hands. 

To welcome the winter season, I cozy up my house. Heavy curtains on the windows. Warm throws and sweatered pillows scattered throughout the rooms. Of course, Christmas gives us a welcome break with sparkling decorations, glittering lights and the life changing promise of our Savior coming to save the world. Plus the opportunity to catch up on all the new Hallmark Christmas movies : )

I plan to embrace the quiet winter nights when the pine branches out front droop with fresh snow and the icicles on the gazebo frame sparkle in the moon light. I will adjust my wardrobe accordingly and add in the toasty sweaters, sassy scarves, leopard print gloves and rugged yet fashionable boots with my long skirts and leggings. Though winter may be a harsher season, it can still afford a time of healthy change. As long as we work with it, and not against it.

Seasons of life, seasons of change. I pray God continues to work in all our hearts this winter season.

If you’re like me and you struggle with freezing temps and heavy snowstorms, what do you do to embrace this time of year? Please share your thoughts in a comment.


“Remember God’s Faithfulness” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – “They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:23

When you need a simple reminder of God’s faithfulness, take a walk down memory lane.

Every time I sort through old pictures, letters and memorabilia, I am reminded of God’s hand upon my life. He has been with me every step of the way, from a young child until now and on into the future.

Recently we met up with a former pastor who has since moved to another state and is evangelizing. We had assisted him years ago in an inner city work in Albany NY. Another friend from years ago has re-connected. Through it all, I see the constant thread of faithfulness. Sometimes we forget all that God has brought us through and we need those reminders.

How often do you recall the Lord’s faithfulness in your life?

Are there things that trigger those memories?

I am so very grateful my God never changes, His mercies are new every morning and yes, GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!

P.S. The picture is me and my dear, sweet mother, a long time ago : )


“Can You Count the Hairs on Your Head?” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. -Luke 12:7 

Remember this scripture when you feel alone and think God is far away and not keeping track of you.

Since the hairs of our head are numbered, we must realize that number changes every day. The evidence is in our hairbrush, as loose strands gather after each brushing. I have long hair so I’m always clearing out the hairbrush and pondering this scripture. Maybe there is a special Hair Angel Brigade who keeps tabs on the long-haired women to report back to the Master : )

Think about it.

God keeps track of every tiny detail down to the daily total of our hair length.

We are never forgotten, always on His mind.

We serve an awesome, loving, precious Savior. 



“Joy” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORDJoy: gladness, pleasure, delight.

Only in the presence of Jesus Christ will we find…joy.

Not in our troubled world, not in our friends or family, not in our careers.

“In the presence of the Lord there is FULLNESS OF JOY.”

Have you lost your joy?

Let us seek the Lord, come into His presence and allow Him to fill us with His joy.

“…the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10



“Lively Stones” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – I love the phrase “lively stones.”

Upon further research in the Apostolic Study Bible, this term became clearer and more precious.

“Because of their association through faith with Jesus Christ, the living stone (I Peter 1:21); the new birth (I Peter 1:23) ; and tasting His graciousness (I Peter 2:2-3) believers become “lively stones” themselves.

The Greek word translated “stones”  (lithos, not petros) indicates believers are not just rocks existing in their natural state, but stones a craftsman has carefully worked, shaped, and prepared to fit into a structure.”

Leave a comment to share a recent story of how God has been working, shaping and preparing you. 



“Worship from Dawn to Dusk” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – I wonder what would happen if we followed this scripture every day.

Waking with a praise in our hearts and ending each day thanking God for His goodness and grace.

Or better yet…what if we sought out time to pray and praise morning, noon and night?

No matter where we were at or what we were doing. Taking a moment to bow our heads before the King of Kings and speak words of praise and adoration.

I imagine it would shake up our lives.

There are false religions that follow such practices. But their words are meaningless because they worship dead idols. We serve the only true God! Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, our Savior.

Would you join me in this practice during this holy season? 

Prayer and praise leading up to the celebration of Resurrection Sunday!

You’re invited to leave a comment on how you plan to do this in your daily lifestyle. 


“New Year, New Walk” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – A New Year to “walk worthily of God.” What does this mean for you and me?

After a year of many transitions and intense soul-searching, there is one phrase that keeps running through my heart and soul.

This year, 2016, I plan and purpose to Walk in Confidence in Jesus, moving towards the future and leaving behind the regrets of the past.

Notice I did not say leaving the past behind. For that is what shapes us. Our past is usually full of the good and the bad, the sweet and the not-so-sweet. But as we walk in confidence in God, He will use those experiences to mold us and make us, to conform to His divine image.

I have beautiful things in my past. I bet I’m not the only one. I also have hurtful, life-crushing trials. Sound familiar?                    The new plan is to leave behind….the regrets. If only. What if that was the wrong decision. Why did that person respond in that manner. Maybe I’ve totally missed God’s will….ENOUGH ALREADY! God knows our hearts and He promises to lead and guide us in all our decisions as we commit our ways unto Him.

Moving forward into 2016 with a portion of wisdom and knowledge:

  • I can’t change another person. Only Jesus can do that.
  • I know God is leading me because He has been my faithful Father for many years.
  • And He promises to never leave me or forsake me!
  • I leave any regrets or confusion at the foot of the Cross. I’m covered.

I’m weary of doubting my own decisions, I will WALK IN CONFIDENCE THIS YEAR! Will you join me?


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