“For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain,and to the great rain of his strength.” Job 37:6
Of course the word “snow” would be found in the book of Job, a book of troubles and woe. From a disgruntled New Yorker who dreads winter, I was not happy with the snowfall that came yesterday, in OCTOBER. Way too soon. It is still supposed to be golden leaves and pumpkins, we haven’t even reached Halloween yet, not to mention Thanksgiving.
I think perhaps a newly trained angel pressed the wrong button.
But it’s pretty, you say. I tried to focus on the beauty of it this morning. As I attempted to wheel the trashcans to the road for pickup, I realized they needed snow tires. And I did admire the pine trees coated with clumps of heavy flakes as they drooped way, way low, hopefully not cutting off my phone line. I noticed the long stretch of suffering hedges, weighted down with mounds of snow, coating all the leaves bravely trying to flaunt their color, now just a blur of stark whiteness. Do you sense I’m having a bit of a problem with this?
So on Word Trail today, I need your help with the word “snow.” Please share with me your positive thoughts on this word. Any good memories? What do you do in winter when it snows? For days on end? Till you lose power? Positive thoughts, please! Hot chocolate, anyone?
You penned my exact sentiments today!
I did enjoy some cocoa and used the frozen-ness around me to give myself a take-it-easy day.
Fall is my very favorite of all seasons. Naturally my first reaction to the snow was outrage! I ranted and called folks in other parts of the country to rant some more. I put off my outdoor work until it was nearly too late to get it accomplished.
Yet the snow was still there. My outrage had not made it magically disappear…
Now I’m finally moving in to acceptance.
With the new snow storm moving in, I’m acknowledging that my weekend is unlikely to go as I had originally planned.
I’m breaking out the snowman making kit. Bring it on!!!
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Comment by Joanna — October 29, 2011
Thanks for the good attitude adjustment. Still struggling with mine. We’re in those “hill elevations” that always tend to get more snow than anyone else. Yes, I also love fall! It is my birthday month and I glory in all the
beautiful colors. Praying that the worst of the storm passes us by. And working on that acceptance factor… : ) Guess I’ll light some scented candles, bake something with chocolatey sweetness and keep all the curtains drawn.
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Comment by admin — October 29, 2011
I have spent most of my life in the south, but I did live in Ohio for a few years. When I think of snow I think of two very dear memories. My grandparents lived in south Georgia. There was one magical Christmas when it snowed on Christmas Eve. It is the only time in my life I’ve had a white Christmas.
The second time was in Ohio, where snow was rare enough to be fun but regular enough that we knew how to manage it. Our yard was on a hill. One year my brother and I packed snow and made a bobsled type trail down our yard, over the 4 foot retaining wall, and around the side yard to the front of the house. It was awesome.
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Comment by Kristi Ann Hunt — October 29, 2011
Thanks for sharing sweet memories. I like this line, “where snow was rare enough to be fun but regular enough that we knew how to manage it.” I don’t think we have that balance here in upstate NY. I like the bobsled trail image. My husband has some of those memories from time spent in Michigan as a child. We’re trying to gear up for the storm but hoping most of it passes us by.
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Comment by admin — October 29, 2011
I love snow!!!
In Texas, we don’t get much and when it does come it’s like a holiday.
To me, the sparkling white fluff is a miracle. Beautiful. love it when you go outside and all you can hear is the light falling of large flakes. All other sound is muffled by the blanket of snow.
Enjoy it for me.
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Comment by Patricia PacJac Carroll — October 29, 2011
I have a friend in Texas who feels the same way. But she came from NY so she understands our winter woes. I like your description of sparkling white fluff and the quietness with the blanket of snow. I’ll try to keep those thoughts in mind. Thanks for sharing.
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Comment by admin — October 29, 2011
I have three favorite memories of snow–deep snow.
First, from my childhood. I had gotten a free, unsellable rabbit from the local hardware store. My brother and I had an old trunk door that we would slide downhill on. I have a fond memory of taking Bunny for a ride down the hill. Next, as an adult sliding down a steep hill in a state park in Iowa. The toboggan flew down the hill and over a frozen river. Last, (still in Iowa) I couldn’t get to work because the snow was clear up to the second story of our house. I called the local snowmobile club and climbed out the second story window when a guy came to pick me up. He stood up while I rode on the seat clutching the bottom of his nylon windbreaker. What a ride!
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Comment by JoAnn — October 29, 2011
Love the bunny story. I can picture the rabbit ears flying in the wind. Poor rabbit. And your dedication to your job, climbing out the window and snowmobiling – do hope the boss appreciated the effort!
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Comment by admin — October 29, 2011
All of my memories of snow are good. I lived out in the country where we could get out and enjoy it. Sledding, tobogganing, making snow forts and having snowball fights. Once in a while, the power would go out and Dad pulled our mattresses out to the living room in front of the fireplace. As a college student, I drove 8 hours home in a snowstorm where I had to steer between the road signs to tell where the road was. Stupid, I know. But when my kids were old enough to enjoy it, it was like having a giant sandbox that kept them occupied all day.
Alas, I’ve lived all but 5 years of my adult life in the South. I miss the snow.
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Comment by Mary Hamilton — October 29, 2011
Thanks for sharing the memories. I used to drive through crazy snowstorms, too. When you can’t see where the road is and pray you’re still on it… Sorry you miss the snow. Wish I could send you some of ours : )
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Comment by admin — October 29, 2011
Actually, Michigan was the 10′ snow storms and snow forts with tunnels, that connected the neighbors to our iceskating rink in the back yard. We had sledding in Ausable Forks on the hill behind our house. It was a snaky half mile gully with banks and even a jump. We would ride those orange tubs and race to the bottom trying to knock each other off the track.
Needless to say, I have spent all my life in the Great White North and can enjoy it when I want to. Although, much like Joanna, I feel that this early snow has cut my enjoyment of Fall a little bit short this year.
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Comment by Dwayne — October 29, 2011
My favorite memories of snow are going on hikes in the winter when I was in college. A group of us would bundle up and trudge outside, following an old abandoned railroad track. We would end up in the middle of the woods, where we would sit in the absolute stillness, drinking hot liquids and taking photos of each other … there is nothing as quiet as the middle of the woods in the snow….. or as cold….. or as beautiful in its stillness……”God’s in His heaven, alls right with the world”…..
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Comment by Joyce — October 30, 2011
When we were kids, we could not wait until the first snowfall. It was like Christmas Day! Then came sledding, saucers, ice skating, and snowmen. What a good time we had! Now, we’re all grown up and just think of shoveling it and driving in it. How sad. I guess that’s easy for me to say since we hardly ever get to see snow way down here in the South. Perhaps the cold will come early this year, as well as the spring. It’s just getting a head start. Drink your hot cocoa and look at the beauty of it all. Send me a postcard so I can be jealous. Hahaha!
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Comment by Kathy Sherling — October 30, 2011
I have both good and bad memories of the snow, but the more I sit here the more of those good memories come flooding back into my memory; kind of like when you first get the heat going in a cold house, the warmth just floods in and makes you feel alright. First the bad, -when I was a youngin’ my grandparents were the place to be because of “giant” sledding hills surrounding the church. One was a thin path through the trees, and I nearly broke my leg from deceleration trauma (aka I hit a tree). That laid me up for weeks and I missed out on the whole winter. Secondly, driving to Grandma’s house in a snowstorm in ’06 led to deceleration trauma for my poor car. He didn’t survive the meet and greet with the telephone pole, but I did without a scratch (Thank God). Onto the good memories…8 foot snowbanks, forts and tunnels, long walks up North with my not-quite-yet beloved, the peaceful and calming silence of a snowfall in either the city or the woods, need I go on? I love winter for what it’s worth, I think the good outweighs the bad if you let yourself enjoy it.
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Comment by Tim Lawrence — November 1, 2011