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“What Does It Mean to be Called?” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN OTHER WORDS – In this book by G. Macdonald, he discusses how John the Baptist could have given in to the crowds, played up his own growing popularity and started his own following. But he didn’t. Because he knew his calling.

He had an “unwavering sense of purpose.” He knew his role as the forerunner to Christ. “He must increase, I must decrease.” John 3:30

He did not have a mistaken identity but was certain of his own identity and calling.This is so vitally important in any leadership ministry.

I pray that Godly leaders will not seek their own following but will be tuned in to the Spirit of God and obedient to His calling. May all that we do bring GLORY TO GOD!

Do you know leaders that are Called, Obedient, Faithful, and secure in their identity in Christ?

Are you Called?



  1. Hello,Cynthia!The topic of being called has come up often in my life especially when talking about being called to write. I’ve personally come to the conclusion that as believers in Christ we have all been called. Called to be believers, called to be husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, etc. I know that’s not what you meant, but sometimes I wonder if we don’t have a tendency to major on the minors when speaking of our “calling”. If we were to focus more on what the Word Of God tells us to do and less on whether or not what we’re doing is a calling then we might all get more done for the Kingdom of God. I’ve struggled for years wondering if I were called to write. Writing is in my temperament. Does that mean writing is my calling? Not necessarily. Just because I enjoy writing doesn’t mean I should make it my life’s goal. On the other hand, maybe God does want me to write. If that’s true then wouldn’t it make sense that He would provide everything I need to pursue that calling? For a long time I felt sad because I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to write or not. I didn’t doubt that I was to be a wife and mother, but writing? I prayed and worried about that. Today, I don’t fuss about whether I’ve been called or not because I know that I am. I’m called to be a daughter of the King and whatever that entails then I will do. If that’s to “only” be a wife and mother, then so be it, but if it’s to be more then my heavenly Father will provide all that I need to do what He has “called” me to do. I don’t stress about my calling any more. I have learned to be content with what I know to do and that’s my calling. 🙂 Blessings! Anita

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    Comment by Anita — February 20, 2016

  2. Anita, I agree that as believers, we are all “called.” And like you, I’ve heard many discussions on being “called to write.” My thoughts are if God has given you a gift and ability and the desire is in your heart…go for it! And that goes for any other gift or skill, to use all for the glory of God.

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    Comment by admin — February 20, 2016

  3. Hello, Cynthia! Just now reading your response to my comment on “calling”. Thank you for your insight! I especially took to heart the words you wrote that if God has given the ability and the desire then do it (or words to that effect). I am still writing. Will I be published? I don’t know, but, for now, I will continue to write if only for my own enjoyment. 🙂

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    Comment by Anita — March 26, 2016

  4. Good for you, Anita! I’m proud of you for sticking with it. I know it’s not easy. I feel like I’m in a real slump right now. So need to take my own words to heart!

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    Comment by admin — March 29, 2016

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