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Time Is Running Out

It’s almost November. Only two months left to complete your goals for this year.

What would you love to accomplish by the end of the year? Writing goals or personal goals…

Waving at Connie, Sherry and Jorlyn – I know you have writing goals you’re trying to reach. Thank you to Jorlyn who keeps me on track each month with her consistent efforts : )

I challenge you to list five goals to complete within the next two months.

Be realistic. If you reach for too much, you may end up discouraged. I know I’ll be busy in November finishing up essays for Bible Institute and facing final exams for this semester. So I need to be reasonable. But I still would like to complete this list by the end of 2013.

  1. Write out questions and draft article on a local pastor.
  2. Return to novella work, revise and continue the story.
  3. Make reservations for Blue Ridge Mts. Christian Writers Conference – DONE!
  4. Set goals for Conference.
  5. Begin editing work for a local publication.

Your turn! Time is running out…



  1. I’m SO glad you are coming to BRMCWC!! It wasn’t the same without you this past year.

    Goals – hmmm. several of them are not writing goals.

    1. Write a 1-2 page description for each of the 7 cities written about in Revelation, ones that make the reader feel like they’re there, walking thru the city.
    2. LOTS of remodeling being done in my home in Baytown. Choose flooring and kitchen design.
    3. Write a devotion and submit it to
    4. Follow God’s lead as I heal my relationship with my sister.
    5. Seek God’s will for me here in Seminole.

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    Comment by Sherry Carter — November 3, 2013

  2. Sherry,
    I’m determined to get to Blue Ridge this year! Wish you all the best in your list of goals – the Rev. descriptions sound interesting. And home remodeling, we just finished having a new carpet installed in our living room. Finally getting the house back together after being torn apart a few weeks. But it is worth it once its done : )

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    Comment by admin — November 3, 2013

  3. Here’s my goals for the next two months:
    1. Get through the holidays without too much stress 🙂
    2. Finish rewrites on current ms.
    3. Finish class on self-publishing.
    4. Write an outline for the devotional book I’ve been thinking about writing for a couple of years.
    5. Start a discipleship class at church.
    These are off the top of my head without too much thought. There are so many other things that I hope to do, but I don’t want to overload my plate.

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    Comment by Anita — November 7, 2013

  4. Anita,
    Always so good to hear from you and to see your progress. Admirable goals! And you’re smart not to overload…
    The devotional book sounds interesting, I hope you have time to do the outline. Start jotting notes and it will be there before you know it : )

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    Comment by admin — November 8, 2013

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