IN MY WORDS – We actually saw the sunshine this week in upstate New York. After innumerable days of clouds, wind, rain and even thunder. People are walking around with smiles today because the temps are above 40 degrees and that yellow orb in the sky is shining away! There is hope.
I believe it is time for a NEW SEASON. Physically and spiritually. Do you feel the same? I’m thinking about it while I strip away the winter decor in the house and bring out the light colors and beachy atmosphere that I love. I believe God wants to do a new thing.
Lately I have felt like a circle that others are trying to fit into a square peg. It doesn’t work. Very uncomfortable. So what is the solution? Two of my writerly friends spoke to me with their blog posts recently along these lines. One called “Do the Oatmeal Mash” from friend Connie. You have to know her to love her : ) I confess the “Monster Mash” song keeps haunting me every time I read her title. But her words are true about being “uniquely you” and not following the crowd. (
And friend Carlton who always cheers me with his humor. His post on plans that get turned around no matter how we think we have it all mapped out. ( So thank you my writerly peeps for clarifying some things and let’s all agree it is time for a NEW SEASON, with God planning it out and us following closely, learning how to be what He has designed us to be!