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“Surviving Mother’s Day” by Cynthia A. Lovely

I confess I avoid Hallmark stores at this time of year. Just walking through the mother’s day selections brings me to tears.

If you have lost your mother, whether at an early age or later in life, it never becomes easy. Add to that scenario the fact that I am kidless. So it is two strikes against me.

  • If you are struggling this weekend with either of these situations, turn your eyes and your heart upon Jesus. He alone can fill those empty places. And His understanding is infinite! Remember He has a perfect plan for you. You are never forgotten. You are cherished as His own treasure!
  • On a practical note, find out what works best for you on this day. Meet another motherless friend for lunch and treat yourself to spring shopping. Or take off for a day trip to a fun location. Sometimes, I skip church. Rather drastic, huh?  If they are “over-the-top” with “mother” being mentioned 350 times during the service and every bit of focus is on that occasion…I’m out of there!
  • I have nothing against mothers; I had the most awesome,wonderful mother in the world. But in a church service, once the focus turns away from Jesus, it all goes downhill from there. Yes, let us honor our mothers but it should never take up more than a few minutes in a church service.
  • Be kind to those who automatically “Happy Mother’s Day” you : ) They don’t get it. This doesn’t only happen in church. One year just standing on the church steps, a stranger walked by and gave me this greeting!

Enjoy this weekend and keep your eyes on Jesus.

We will not only survive, we will find our  joy and contentment in Him.



  1. Sweet Cynthia, I always think of you at this time of year. You were the first woman to share with me the struggle of Mother’s Day. I’m praying today that the Lord will confirm His calling on you and your completeness in Him today, exactly as you are…after all, you’re His beautiful daughter that He created. I love you today and every day.

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    Comment by Vonda Skelton — May 8, 2016

  2. Vonda,
    Thank you for your precious words. They made my morning! We’re off today to minister to a few other “motherless” and “kidless” ones. It feels good to encourage others : )
    I asked Dwayne if we can move closer to you when we move South someday so we can see you more often! Miss you so but will see you very soon!

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    Comment by admin — May 8, 2016

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