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“Step carefully…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

Do you trip easily?

Are you a fast walker?

Do you pay attention to where you’re going? 

How often we get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and find ourselves in places we never intended to be in.

This may not always be a forbidden place or dangerous territory. But it can be a place of complete distraction to where the Lord wants to lead us.

As I get older, I find myself intentionally slowing my pace. I’ve fallen before from not paying attention to where I was walking, tripped on a broken sidewalk and broken my wrist. Painful consequences of not “pondering the path!”

I’m sure we don’t want to stumble or fall in our spiritual walk. Or to rush ahead of God’s plan.

My prayer for you: God help us to learn how to ponder the path of our feet and allow all our ways to be established in You. 

Question: This week, have you thought about where you are walking? Is it time to slow down?



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