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“Snow Day!” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN MY WORDS – SNOW DAY – The two words bring back memories of listening to the radio, hoping my school would be announced as CLOSED. And the resulting celebration: time for snowsuits to go play outside, come back in for hot chocolate and Mom’s freshly baked cookies, and to watch movies later in the day.

After unusually warm and clear weather this season, we have finally been hit with a storm. No, not the one in the above photo that was taken a few years ago. This storm is more a wintry mix with icy conditions coating the road and highways.

I must admit snow days are still fun. The weather forces you to slow down. Especially after the busy holidays. The storm brings a thankfulness for a warm house and a shelter from the cold. It inspires me to catch up on many things inside including writing and journaling. Now I have a chance to enjoy the holiday decor around my home and absorb the cozyness of an electric fireplace, glowing candles and Christmas music. And yes, we’ll watch a Christmas movie later on. Love extending the holiday!

What do you do when a storm forces you to stay home?




  1. I’m so glad to have visited your blog… it’s been a while! Did you know that you can now promote your blog on ACFW’s promotion loop?

    As far as snow days go, I used to love them as a kid. Cold and snow didn’t bother me then and I–along with the neighbor kids–enjoyed building snow forts and tunnels, though I hated snowball fights! Now, as an adult snow means a whole different thing for me since it often means risky driving or losing power if someone hits a pole. Not fun. But, for those rare times I can sit by my wood stove and not venture outdoors–and still have power–I love to write and read.

    May you be blessed in 2016!

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    Comment by Elaine Stock — January 2, 2016

  2. Elaine,
    So good to hear from you. Yes, most childhood memories of snow are good ones. It’s when we have to “adult up” and drive in it, plow it out, or lose power that it is no longer fun. Your image by the wood stove, reading and writing, yes that is the way to deal with it! So excited about your new book, keep me informed.

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    Comment by admin — January 2, 2016

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