Is there such a thing as simplicity in the growing world of social media? I know there will be many varied opinions on this subject so I’m stepping out here to voice my own. Personally, I have to make better use of my time. At this point in my life, I would not enjoy Facebook or Twitter. I want to write. There are enough distractions around us every day to keep us from doing what we love to do. I refuse to be caught up in the clamor that says, “you’ll never establish a platform without juggling all these accounts!” Okay. That may be your opinion. Again, I want to write.
Do you feel pressure to join the social media frenzy? The determining factor: would you enjoy it? If not, refuse to cave in to the pressure. If you have an editor or publisher encouraging you to do this, that is a totally different story. Absolutely take their advice. But if you are hearing it from every other author and writer-wanta-be, think carefully before you make your decision. I have no quarrel with those who are actively involved and love what they are doing. Go for it! My only complaint is the pressure to join the ranks with the threat of total failure if you don’t comply. I guess I have no grand illusions of being rich and famous and having the world know my name. I have my website, blog and a Linked-In account for business connections. Otherwise, I’m socially media-free and content. For now, anyway : ) Do you facebook and twitter away? What do you gain from it? Please share your thoughts (politely) in a comment.
Cynthia, what a fascinating post! First, I congratulate you for doing what is best for you, and not caving to pressure. As someone striving to publish, I admit, a few years ago I felt the pressure to “build a platform.” Now, that alone is a broad topic since everyone and his brother has a unique definition of what a platform is. I ended up creating my own blog, which begins its 3rd year this April (wow–just realized that!). I must tell you, whether anyone thinks its the right platform or social media or the wrong one for me, it has been an immense blessing. I have made so many connections and friends. But even more powerful, I have seen hurting people uplifted and turn to God’s grace and that to me tells me to continue. Fortunately, I’m able to get a blog post up much faster these days so it doesn’t take too much time from my writing like it used to. However, with a blog, and one that features guests, there is an obligation for promotion. I probably should do more, but because of working full time, and running the blog, and writing, I seem to manage just FB and Twitter… but for very brief visits, usually alternating my sites every other day during the work week. I probably should get involved with Hootsuite (is that what it’s called?) to help me, but I just don’t have the time.
So, what I’m trying to say here: do what’s best for you and then make it work.
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Comment by Elaine Stock — March 24, 2013
You are such a good example of finding out what works and running with it. Your blog has been a blessing to so many people and you have definitely created a following and an online presence. Kudos! And congrats on reaching the three year mark. I do believe that each person needs to find their best fit and work with it to be successful. Even if it means not following the crowd…Thanks for your insightful comment!
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Comment by admin — March 24, 2013
Thanks for your sweet and encouraging words, Cynthia.
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Comment by Elaine Stock — March 24, 2013
You are most welcome, my friend!
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Comment by admin — March 24, 2013
My focus isn’t writing so I can’t address that part of your question. I have a Face Book account and really enjoy it. Have reconnected with relatives and friends I’d lost touch with years ago. I recently reconnected with a cousin at a family event and we are doing well keeping in touch on FB, as many men don’t do well with email, this has been a nice blessing. I often share inspirational pictures and quotes and enjoy them from others. I try to limit my FB time, it can take over if one isn’t careful. But for me it is enjoyable and a good way to stay connected with others. I’ve heard yay and nay concerning FB, but for me, I’m glad I am part of the community.
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Comment by Sharon — March 25, 2013
Sounds like you are enjoying the benefits of linking with family and friends. I know others who use it to keep in touch with updated photos and news…I think that is more what it was designed for in the beginning. The writerly part gets a bit more complicated trying to establish a connection with people you don’t know. I do like using Linked-In for business and writing connections. Again, what ever works best for the individual!
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Comment by admin — March 25, 2013
I despair over social media for marketing and promotion. I dawdle only slightly with Facebook and gave up twitter as a bad idea.
Yet I love and admire other writers who use Facebook in a way that is interesting rather than cloyingly self serving. As writers, one of the things we do is entertain readers. Facebook is another way to allow us to do that. I need to keep that in mind and not get caught up in thinking that people will look at me as just tooting my own horn.
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Comment by Carol Peterson — March 26, 2013
I think FB could be fun but you need to be willing to put the time into it. I like your idea of entertaining readers which puts a different slant on it instead of the self-promotion.
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Comment by admin — March 27, 2013
I agree with you, Cynthia. Social media is not for me, at least not at this time. For the past three months I have concentrated solely on my writing. Writing consistently, self-editing, and learning Scrivener (which I haven’t yet) is enough to keep me busy. I also have books about the craft of writing I need to read (not to mention all those lovely novels others have written) 🙂 There may come a time that I will need to join the social media frenzy, but until then I’m going to enjoy my time readin’ and writin’. Anita
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Comment by Anita — March 29, 2013
There may be a time when we’re both more involved in this but for now, I agree – reading and writing is enough! And congrats for being so consistent in your writing. Keep it up!
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Comment by admin — March 29, 2013
I’m in the throes of figuring out what works for me, marketing-wise, and how to balance interesting content with book promotion. The fact is that if we want anyone to know about our books, we have to promote, and social media makes that relatively easy. I love your approach, Cynthia, and your reminder that everyone has to find what works for them. There are so many options, and it can be mind boggling when you try to take everyone’s advice!
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Comment by Lesley Ann McDaniel — April 28, 2013
You’re right, there are so many options and it can get confusing. If only we could just write and someone else would handle all the rest of this business! Thanks for stopping by…
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Comment by admin — April 29, 2013