Rejections Piling Up?
We are told over and over again, “Rejections are guaranteed,” on this writing journey.
Doesn’t mean we have to like them.
However, our attitude towards the “no thanks” responses will determine our success as a writer. Are you stubborn? Turn that sometimes negative trait into a positive. Determine to send out twice as many submissions every time you receive another rejection.
How do you deal with rejection?
I’m starting to super celebrate every success. No matter how small, I’m making it bigger. Why not? It will help to balance out the other um…non success.
What was your funniest refusal? Your best rejection?
Let’s put it all back in perspective. 😉
It happened many years ago, but will never be forgotten. The rejection was on a half-sheet, poorly cut. There was absolutely no personal information in the message, which looked like the old blue mimeograph print–honest! I’ve lost it in the many moves since then, but its uncaring, cheap bluntness actually softened the blow. I knew without a doubt that I didn’t want to be published by them anyway.
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Comment by Lee Carver — February 4, 2012
I would have felt the same way. You’re definitely better off not having your name linked to some place that is so unprofessional. It reminds me of how God is protecting us even when we don’t realize it. Thanks for sharing!
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Comment by admin — February 4, 2012
I just found out about a rejection that came a couple of months back but we hadn’t heard somehow. Amazingly, God sent me something in the mail that put a complete damper on the pity party I had considered throwing. It was from a woman in a center through Compassion International, where we contribute. She had a one year old and wasn’t sure if she would live to see the child grow up as the mom was HIV/AIDS positive. Not funny, but it put my situation in perspective.
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Comment by Carrie Fancett Pagels — February 5, 2012
Thank you so much for sharing. God’s perfect timing. He has a way of turning things around for us and helping us to focus on what is important. We’re all still learning…
Best wishes for a bunch of “yes, we want to publish your story,” to come rolling in for you!
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Comment by admin — February 6, 2012