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King’s Highway








The song “Great is Thy Faithfulness” keeps rolling through my mind today. God is a trustworthy Savior. When we have no might, He supplies our need and gives us supernatural strength. 

When we walk through the dark times, He brings light through spiritual mentors and dear friends. Through unexpected and unexplained ways. Shining His love into those hurt places. This is true in all aspects of our walk with God. Including our writing. When we are discouraged, He sends encourage-ment. At just the right moment and in His perfect timing.

Has the Lord encouraged you in your writing efforts?

I encourage you today to continue writing for the glory of God. He has called you and the burden of your heart needs to flow out of your pen (or tap it’s way across your keyboard…) Write to spread God’s glory. Let His name be glorified through your voice. You are unique. No one else has your fingerprint or your experience.

God is faithful. Be faithful to Him in the calling He has given you.

Please share a memory of God’s faithfulness. 


  1. As you know, Cynthia, God has been taking me more towards speaking these past few years, but I still love to write and hope to get started on my new novel soon!

    So in the area of speaking, He has brought the Christian Communicators Conference to my heart and mind and is having women from across the country to join us in our goal to spread His Great Name through the spoken, as well as the written, word. What an encouragement it has been to watch grow and reach more women for Him!

    Thank you for the reminder to find His blessings in our day and in our ministries. 🙂

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    Comment by Vonda Skelton — February 22, 2012

  2. Vonda,
    My friend, you are multi-talented! It is wonderful how your speaking ministry has grown. But I do want to read a novel from you someday. I truly believe it would be awesome.

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    Comment by admin — February 23, 2012

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