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Feeling like a little kid – Sassy St.










Feet swinging, head tilted, ready to embrace life – I felt like a little kid again. Black Mt, NC 2012 after the Blue Ridge conference. Something about spending a week with wild, wonderful wacky writers brings me back to that little kid feeling.

Maybe it’s the freedom of imagination. The endless “what-if’s” of conversation. The constant buzz of energy from class to workshop, devotions to meals. Non-stop creativity.  

I love it.

What brings you back to that little kid feeling?

A writing conference? Spending time with family? A certain setting? A day at the beach?

I challenge you this week to find that spark of childhood, follow where it leads and share your story in a comment here.





  1. Re-posted by admin:
    I LOVE black Mountain. My husband and I used to attend the fall race at Talledega then we would spend a week in Marion NC, mining for gold. I loved to take a day and wander around the shops in Black Mountain…

    — Sharon Srock

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    Comment by admin — June 11, 2012

  2. Sharon,
    Sorry, my comment link may be confusing, it’s on the top of the post, not the bottom : )
    Yes, I love Black Mt.! We always spend time there after the conference. The shops and boutiques are so much fun and all surrounded by the mountains – so cool. Have you been to Montreat? That’s also a beautiful place to visit. Thanks for stopping by and sharing the memories.

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    Comment by admin — June 11, 2012

  3. re-posted by admin

    Hi Cynthia!

    I LOVE that “little kid feeling!” Makes life feel so alive. My favorite setting for that feeling is tootling around in the country, hiking through the open spaces until I come to an abandoned barn. I shared the feeling old barns give me a while back here:

    Since I was raised in the country and a trek to “my” barn always signaled a few hours of no demands, even photos of old barns make my pulse slow.

    Thanks for asking! 🙂


    Chana Keefer–author of THE FALL (Rapha Chronicles #1)

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    Comment by admin — June 13, 2012

  4. Chana,
    Thanks for stopping by. Love your old barn photos!

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    Comment by admin — June 13, 2012

  5. Hey Cynthia,

    I am presently reading the other book by this author you suggested up above. It is “Making Waves”. Not sure if it is the first in the series?
    I wanted to come to your website first and then email you back. So good to meet you at the conference and look forward to getting to know you better. : )

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    Comment by Kimberly long — June 21, 2012

  6. Hi Kimberly,
    Great to hear from you. Yes, Making Waves is the first book in the series and I really enjoyed reading it.

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    Comment by admin — June 29, 2012

  7. I am leaving on July 15 for a Woman’s Writing Retreat at Pyramid Lk. so I will let you know when I return home.

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    Comment by Donna — July 5, 2012

  8. Donna,
    So excited you are attending this retreat – can’t wait to hear how it goes!

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    Comment by admin — July 6, 2012

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