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Simplicity…in Social Media?

Is there such a thing as simplicity in the growing world of social media? I know there will be many varied opinions on this subject so I’m stepping out here to voice my own. Personally, I have to make better use of my time. At this point in my life, I would not enjoy Facebook or Twitter. I want to write. There are enough distractions around us every day to keep us from doing what we love to do. I refuse to be caught up in the clamor that says, “you’ll never establish a platform without juggling all these accounts!” Okay. That may be your opinion. Again, I want to write.

Do you feel pressure to join the social media frenzy? The determining factor: would you enjoy it? If not, refuse to cave in to the pressure. If you have an editor or publisher encouraging you to do this, that is a totally different story. Absolutely take their advice. But if you are hearing it from every other author and writer-wanta-be, think carefully before you make your decision. I have no quarrel with those who are actively involved and love what they are doing. Go for it! My only complaint is the pressure to join the ranks with the threat of total failure if you don’t comply. I guess I have no grand illusions of being rich and famous and having the world know my name.  I have my website, blog and a Linked-In account for business connections. Otherwise, I’m socially media-free and content. For now, anyway : ) Do you facebook and twitter away? What do you gain from it? Please share your thoughts (politely) in a comment.

Word of God Speak

My husband and I recently enrolled in a Bible Institute in Long Island. We drive almost 4 hours once a month to spend a weekend in classes, studying the Word. And it is definitely worth the travel, time and financial commitment. The more we study, the more we are aware of the power in the Word of God. It seeps into the deepest part of our hearts, bringing change, renewal, and strength. The Word covers us with protection. Fills us with joy. Convicts us of sin. Offers us grace. The more we read it, memorize it, study it, the more alive it is in our lives.

I challenge you this week to spend some time every day reading your Bible. Allow God to speak to you. You may be surprised what a difference it makes in your week. And on a side note, even your writing will be better because of it!

Please share one of your favorite scriptures in a comment.


Organization – Tracking Submissions










“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” – Winnie the Pooh

Writers – What is the best way to keep track of your submissions so you’re not “all mixed up?” 

I keep a journal and also try to keep an updated Excel list. I’m sure there are many creative ways to choose from so please do share your most successful method! 

Readers – how do you keep track of the books you read?

Do you use Goodreads or Shelfari? Any preference?


Funny March Ideas for Writers










Lovely blossoms, can you tell I’m in a hurry for Spring? The following list offers some important but not as famous holidays and events for this month. Use them as writing prompts or to add to your own celebrations. After all, who wouldn’t want to participate in:

  • Multiple Personality Day on March 5th (character sketch challenge)
  • 12th – Organize Home Office Day (get busy)
  • 15th – True Confessions Day (romance prompt)
  • 16th – National Quilting Day (buggy book)
  • 18th – National Awkward Moments Day (comedy article)
  • 20th – Proposal Day (romance or comedy : )
  • 22nd- National Goof Off Day (yawn)
  • 22nd – As Young As You Feel Day (boomer article)
  • 27th – Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day (yeah, you could have fun with this)

Wishing you all a sweet month giving our fond farewells to winter and welcoming SPRING!

What do you celebrate this month?

How do you prepare for Spring?

The Art of Simplicity

Our lives are often complicated. We rush through each day in a blur of busyness. Remember when we were children and everything seemed so simple? Maybe its time to practice the Art of Simplicity.

The first step? Slow down. Take time to look at the big picture. Consider the old phrase, “Will this matter 100 years from now?” We get caught up in projects and responsibilities, deadlines and headlines. What is truly important to you?

I had a short conversation with a friendly clerk at a local drug store a few weeks ago. He took the time to chat while I made my purchase. And shared his mantra upon arriving at a certain age in his life. “I decided I’m not going to rush anymore. I’m taking the time to enjoy life.” He chatted with each customer while still ringing up their purchases. There were no long lines, he still managed to get his work done. Kudos to him on his journey to simplicity. 

The best advice I can offer is to start cultivating the art of simplicity by spending time with Jesus. If we take those moments to cast all our cares upon Him and allow the peace of God to rule in our hearts, we will find our simplicity.

How do you practice the art of simplicity?

In what areas of your life do you need to simplify?


Why New Yorkers Move South

Better blog next week after we dig ourselves out from the latest storm : )


Are you drowning…in paperwork?

 boats,business,businessmen,information overload,males,men,metaphors,paperwork,people,persons










You wake in the  morning and wander towards the kitchen for a caffeine-jolt only to come to an abrupt halt. With a dawning sense of dismay you view the towering stacks of paperwork cluttering your desk. Surely it didn’t look that bad yesterday. Perhaps some evil elves slipped in during the night toting trainloads of papyrus and dumping the whole caboose on your innocent desk. Sound familiar? It’s time to Divide and Conquer!

  1. Separate into groups. Writing. Finance. Personal. Yes, the writing pile may be a tad overwhelming.
  2. Plan out 10-15 minutes every day to work on one group. Yep, just one at a time, please. Toss or file away piece by piece in proper folders.
  3. Keep it simple, stay focused on the job and be consistent.
  4. Success! Before long, you will have whittled down at least one portion of your paper problems.

Please share a comment with any tips or suggestions on taming the paper monster.

Winter Wonders

Photo by C.A. Lovely 12/2012

If you look very closely, you can see a spot of red in this picture. That would be my visiting cardinal sneaking up on the birdseed bell.



                                                                                                                                         Now that the New Year has arrived and we’ve received our first big snowstorm, I’m making a list of winter activities. But I truly need your help. The first snowfall is lovely. Several snowstorms later it begins to lose its appeal…

If you live in a cold climate, what do you do during the winter months to combat cabin fever?

What are some of your favorite winter activities that you can do only in the winter months?

It may be something as simple as wearing your favorite fuzzy red sweater to cuddling under a warm throw with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate. I would love some unusual suggestions.  I’d like to incorporate some of the ideas into my writings.And it may help you think of some new ideas for yourself.

To those of you who live in a warm climate, what do you think you would enjoy about winter? If anything : ) Does this picture inspire you or make you want to catch the first flight out to Florida?


Christmas Challenge A-Z





Continuing our list of Christmas words from N-Z. Hmm…any creative ideas for X Y Z?

  • Newborn
  • Ornaments
  • Presents
  • Quilt
  • Ribbons
  • Savior
  • Tree
  • Unity
  • Virgin
  • Wreath
  • X’s & O’s (hugs & kisses)
  • Yuletide
  • Zzzzz…. (and to all a good night!)

I invite you to finish up these letters with your best ideas (nouns preferably) of Christmas words. There are so many to think of once you get going but it gets interesting near the end ( : 

Please Note: If you complete the list of words from A-Z, you’ll be entered into a contest to win the holiday dvd, “The Christmas Hope,” the third installment in the Christmas Shoes series. A winner will be announced on next week’s post.


Christmas Challenge A-Z

Christmas offers an irresistible opportunity to play with words. I challenge you to leave a comment with your own suggestions of Christmas nouns from A through M.  We’ll continue this next week and once we hit that difficult  “Z” letter, we’ll see who has the most imaginative list. I’ll offer a prize, yet-to-be-determined at the end of the month. Be sure to check any of the comments so you are not repeating words others have already posted. Here’s my list to start from A-M:

  • Angels
  • Bethlehem
  • Candy Cane
  • Decorations
  • Evergreen
  • Fruitcake
  • Garlands
  • Holly
  • Icicles
  • Jesus
  • King
  • Lord
  • Messiah

It’s your turn! Please list words from A-M…

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