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“Surviving Mother’s Day” by Cynthia A. Lovely

I confess I avoid Hallmark stores at this time of year. Just walking through the mother’s day selections brings me to tears.

If you have lost your mother, whether at an early age or later in life, it never becomes easy. Add to that scenario the fact that I am kidless. So it is two strikes against me.

  • If you are struggling this weekend with either of these situations, turn your eyes and your heart upon Jesus. He alone can fill those empty places. And His understanding is infinite! Remember He has a perfect plan for you. You are never forgotten. You are cherished as His own treasure!
  • On a practical note, find out what works best for you on this day. Meet another motherless friend for lunch and treat yourself to spring shopping. Or take off for a day trip to a fun location. Sometimes, I skip church. Rather drastic, huh?  If they are “over-the-top” with “mother” being mentioned 350 times during the service and every bit of focus is on that occasion…I’m out of there!
  • I have nothing against mothers; I had the most awesome,wonderful mother in the world. But in a church service, once the focus turns away from Jesus, it all goes downhill from there. Yes, let us honor our mothers but it should never take up more than a few minutes in a church service.
  • Be kind to those who automatically “Happy Mother’s Day” you : ) They don’t get it. This doesn’t only happen in church. One year just standing on the church steps, a stranger walked by and gave me this greeting!

Enjoy this weekend and keep your eyes on Jesus.

We will not only survive, we will find our  joy and contentment in Him.


“It is written…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – The above verse is a favorite scripture for many people. I have recited it often enough in my walk with God.

I chanted it all the way home from work one day last week. While battling a sinus infection, I didn’t realize how much it was affecting my vision and motion. Till I tried to drive home.

I couldn’t see straight. At times, the middle line seemed double. Which threw me off when another car came by in the other lane. I pulled off the road to clear my head, rather shaky at this point. The last leg of the journey was five miles climbing up my hilly, country road. Whoa. Did not want to land in a ditch.

I confess I did feel a bit frantic but what choice was there at this point? I couldn’t just leave the car in the middle of the road and walk. I prayed and continued to repeat this verse over and over again. It is written, it is written, in Your Word…. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

When I pulled into my driveway I was almost in tears. No, scratch that. I did cry, from sheer relief of avoiding an accident. God’s Word is powerful. Read it, memorize it, quote it, live by it. Thank God for HIS WORD!

 I carpooled with my husband the next day  : )


“Snow Day!” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN MY WORDS – SNOW DAY – The two words bring back memories of listening to the radio, hoping my school would be announced as CLOSED. And the resulting celebration: time for snowsuits to go play outside, come back in for hot chocolate and Mom’s freshly baked cookies, and to watch movies later in the day.

After unusually warm and clear weather this season, we have finally been hit with a storm. No, not the one in the above photo that was taken a few years ago. This storm is more a wintry mix with icy conditions coating the road and highways.

I must admit snow days are still fun. The weather forces you to slow down. Especially after the busy holidays. The storm brings a thankfulness for a warm house and a shelter from the cold. It inspires me to catch up on many things inside including writing and journaling. Now I have a chance to enjoy the holiday decor around my home and absorb the cozyness of an electric fireplace, glowing candles and Christmas music. And yes, we’ll watch a Christmas movie later on. Love extending the holiday!

What do you do when a storm forces you to stay home?



“Christmas Corner at Inn Victoria”

                       Christ… the center of it all. 

May your Christmas be blessed with the presence of Jesus in the midst of all the celebrations.

                       Emmanuel, God with us. 



“Slow Stretch Into Winter” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from Heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11

God does bring the rain and the snow, all for a purpose. I am so thankful for His Word. All His promises are yea and amen!

We still haven’t had any snow in upstate New York which is very unusual for this time of year. (photo is from last year!) Part of me is glad. And another part wishes for at least a covering on the ground so it feels more like Christmas. It is dangerous to wish for that here since it could end up as one of our much-talked-about snowstorms. Hopefully we will have at least a dusting for the week of Christmas.

Here’s another book giveaway for “Her Christmas Protector” by Terri Reed. Leave a comment with a scripture verse that  mentions snow to enter the drawing : ) Please let me know what state you are from and if you get much snow…and check back next week.


“True Blue Friend” by Cynthia A. Lovely


A WORD – “Friend.”  A person attached to another by feelings of affection or mutual regard.

A person who you like and enjoy being with. 

True blue = constant, dependable, faithful, loyal, reliable, solid, steadfast, strong, trustworthy. 

We may have many friends in this life but often the most important ones are the “true blue” friends.

  • The ones who stick with you in all situations.
  • They always have time to hear your side of the story.
  • They know you at a heart level so they trust you and your decisions.
  • They cry with you when things are tough.
  • They rejoice with you in every major and minor success or victory.
  • They pray for you and intercede on your behalf.
  • They pick up the phone and call you.
  • They listen.

 Sharing a photo here of a long time pal who has stayed in touch through the years no matter the distance. When we connect, it seems like we pick up right where we left off.

I’m so thankful for my true blue friends. Including my sister and cousins but also linked-in-the-Spirit sisters – waving to all my beautiful Bethelites! You know who you are : )

Do you have true blue friends in your life?



“Last Blast of Summer” by Cynthia A. Lovely

 What will you do for one last blast of summer?

Whether we are willing to admit it or not, next week we will flip the calendar over to September. Hopefully, we’ll still enjoy warmer days but the daily schedule will probably fall back into the normal routine.

This is your reminder to plan something….anything….to cherish these last days of the season.

Did you enjoy an evening picnic on the beach this summer? Check.

Have dinner at a waterfront restaurant? Check – pics are from Sound View Inn on Long Island Sound.

Take a boat ride or ferry ride?

Hike a mountain?

Ride a new bicycle trail?

Watch a sunset?

Watch an outside movie?

There’s still time, what will you plan for these final summer days?


“Vision” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN OTHER WORDS – The above phrase makes me laugh.

Bringing to mind people, places and events that fit either category.

Yes, vision must have legs to it. Action that makes it happen and brings the desired goal to pass.

But action without true vision? Yikes!

Have you experienced vision without action? Or action without vision?



“Come” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD – Come.

I love how Jesus always bids us – Come.

To all my New Yorker friends, weary of winter weather and chilled to the bone by negative temps.

Come feel the warmth of His presence and bask in the sunlight of His love and grace.

Come to Jesus for a renewing and refreshing that only the God of the Universe can give.

Come forget for the moment the swift decline of our society and the evil that surrounds us.

Come, cast all your burdens on the Lord for He cares for you!



“To Do List Canceled” by Cynthia A. Lovely

busy,males,men,people,people at work,readings,to do lists

Do you keep a “To Do” list? Has it grown impossibly long?

IN MY WORDS – Are you overwhelmed and weary of thinking of all you need to catch up on? I’m with you, sistah….

Work, church, travel, studies, family, friends, relatives, housecleaning, laundry, ironing, yard work and oh yes, I’d really like to do some writing one of these days and finish my novella : ) If you’re a list maker like me (yes, I sometimes add things already finished just for the pleasure of crossing them off) I know you’re reluctant to stop that burst of organization you feel by creating a list.

Lightbulb moment – make an “I did it” list instead. This weekend, I’m writing out all the things I DID accomplish. Big things, little things and all those in between. Because sometimes it’s easier to go with the flow and end the day knowing you did get some things done. Completed. Finis. Today’s example: hubby felt the urge to help clean some of the upstairs – yes, go with it, don’t miss the opportunity for help! Other things didn’t get done but one upstairs room is now in spiffy condition. Well worth trashing the I do list and working with the I DID IT list.

So go ahead, pat yourself on the back for all the things you did manage to do today. Share your progress in a comment even if its something simple.


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