We all go through times of discouragement.
Floundering, wandering, wondering what direction our life is going and how/if we need to change paths.
This summer has been like that for me. I’ve prayed, cried, prayed some more. I know God hears but I’m still not sure of His direction. In the midst of it all, I decided to delete the countless photos I keep on my digital camera. I went through several of them to compare what I already had on my computer, so I wouldn’t take the chance of losing them completely.
God took a stroll with me, down the path of the last few years (yes, I’m terrible at keeping too many photos on camera : ) The Lord reminded me of all the good times. Of His many blessings.
- Family, my dear husband, and treasured long distance friends.
- Strong & wise spiritual mentors that have been there for me over 40 years.
- Awesome writers conferences at Blue Ridge.
- Book signings from my Chicken Soup stories.
- Vacations in Long Island and cruises along the Sound.
- Beach time, ocean waves, spectacular sunsets.
- Roses in bloom in my yard. God’s abundant blessings.
I’m still not sure where I’m going and what path to take. But I’m encouraged by the Spirit of God and His gentle reminders of all He has already done in my life. God is faithful.
Have you taken a stroll with the Lord down memory lane lately? Do you trust Him to continue to lead you?