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Photo Reminders – God’s Grace

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We all go through times of discouragement.

Floundering, wandering, wondering what direction our life is going and how/if we need to change paths.

This summer has been like that for me. I’ve prayed, cried, prayed some more. I know God hears but I’m still not sure of His direction. In the midst of it all, I decided to delete the countless photos I keep on my digital camera. I went through several of them to compare what I already had on my computer, so I wouldn’t take the chance of losing them completely.

God took a stroll with me, down the path of the last few years (yes, I’m terrible at keeping too many photos on camera : ) The Lord reminded me of all the good times. Of His many blessings.

  • Family, my dear husband, and treasured long distance friends.
  • Strong & wise spiritual mentors that have been there for me over 40 years.
  • Awesome writers conferences at Blue Ridge.
  • Book signings from my Chicken Soup stories.
  • Vacations in Long Island and cruises along the Sound.
  • Beach time, ocean waves, spectacular sunsets.
  • Roses in bloom in my yard. God’s abundant blessings. 

I’m still not sure where I’m going and what path to take. But I’m encouraged by the Spirit of God and His gentle reminders of all He has already done in my life. God is faithful.

Have you taken a stroll with the Lord down memory lane lately? Do you trust Him to continue to lead you?

Singing & Making Melody

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Sing, Sing, Sing, for today is Spring!

Well, not quite. It’s still in the low fifties and feels like it will never get warm. But the birds have been singing away this week. And so have I.

Since I live in the country, it takes me from fifteen minutes to an hour to get to a store, church or work. I like to use the driving time in prayer and often, in song.

Worship. Rejoicing. Lifting up the name of Jesus.

Inviting Him to ride along with me wherever I go. I’ve felt the presence of the Lord fill the car.  Sometimes I have to slow down to wipe away the tears when I remember all God has done for me through the simple words of a chorus or hymn.

Do you entertain the Lord with songs?

Whether you have a gorgeous voice or one that hurts the ears, I encourage you to sing to the Lord. Draw closer to Him in Worship. Ultimately our lives will be blessed. And His creativity will flow once again.

A wonderful way to charge up your writing life!


Murmur & Complain…or Give Thanks?

Yesterday morning I woke up to winter weather, freezing rain, sleet and chilling temperatures. Most of our snow had finally melted away but now the grass was again covered in white and everything was iced.

It’s April in New York. I moaned and groaned and began a list of complaints. Recent studies in Exodus came to mind and I stopped in mid-complaint. Did not want to be like those who murmured and complained for years and years through that long, long journey to the promised land. I shook off the mood. Stood straighter. Lifted my head up and praised God. I had so much to be thankful for:

  1. I had Friday off and did not have to go out in this weather. Praise God!
  2. Though the ice fell off the roof all day and the storm continued, we never lost power. Praise God!
  3. I was able to begin the day with a prayer session and fellowship with my Lord. Beautiful.
  4. I concentrated on all the things I could do inside that day, knowing once the weather turned nice, I’d want to be outside.
  5. It was a productive day! I got so much done with housework and chores. Praise God!
  6. I continually thanked God that I don’t live in Alaska.

Have you thanked God today?

Thank you for the comments last week on positive words. Congrats to the winner of “The Wedding Caper”  – Cindy Regnier. Please send me your mailing address!

A Different Kind of Thanks











What are you thankful for?

No, wait…don’t answer yet!

I want you to think of simple things. Not the normal rote response to that question: my home, husband, job, etc. This is all good but I’d like you to go beyond that today.

I’m thankful for:

  1. Clotheslines and clothespins – love bringing in freshly laundered sheets and towels.
  2. Falling asleep in peace with no war zones outside my house. Blessed quiet and safety.
  3. Libraries. Love love love the library.
  4. Fine point pens. The skinnier the better.
  5. Birdfeeders and birdseed for my featherly fluttering friends. (repeat that fast 5 times : )
  6. A song in my heart. Continually.
  7. York peppermint patties. Yum.
  8. A featherbed mattress. Yawn.
  9. Candlelight. Warm, inviting, cozy.
  10. Lists. Keeping me organized.                                                                                                                                                                    I could keep going but now it’s your turn…

And the winner of Hello, Hollywood is – Anita! Please send me your mailing address.



Prayers for Long Island & NYC



I had a different topic for this week but I can’t get away from the recent storm that has left NYC and LI in such a turmoil. My sister lives in Long Beach, a sweet ocean-side community in LI. She has been evacuated since last Sunday. Our cousin works for a local news station in Sch’dy and was down there with a news crew this week. He said it looks like a war zone. My most favorite church is in LI and most of the congregants were without power this week. Others lost their homes.

In one instant lives are completely turned around. Homes flooded out, businesses swept away. And to have these problems in the huge populace of LI and a city the size of NY…I can’t begin to imagine how overwhelming the situation truly is at this point. Please do pray for these people as they re-build their lives.

Are you prepared for a natural disaster? What precautions have you taken?  Do you think it could never happen to you?

I read a book series years ago by Terri Blackstock called the Restoration novels. First book is Last Light. The stories are amazing and thought-provoking. I would highly recommend these books.  In what feels like the last days, Jesus is our bright light out of the darkness. We may face tragedies, lose everything we have, but no one can take away the hope of heaven in our hearts. We can exist without power, lights, cell phones and laptops. But we can’t live without Jesus.  Hopefully, out of their desperate needs, people will once again call upon the Savior for help and realize they need Jesus more than anything else.  Please join me in praying for all those affected by this storm. (We were fortunate in upstate NY, it passed us by. We were spared this time and we are forever grateful. Towns and villages around here are still recuperating from Irene.) If you know anyone in these areas, please do reach out to them.

Speak, my Lord










I traveled two hours last night with my husband to attend a church district conference. We traveled two hours back the same evening. Was it worth the trip? Yes.

Spending time with those of ‘like precious faith,” greeting old friends and meeting new ones, singing gospel songs and hymns together, lifting our voices in worship to our Lord and Savior and listening to the inspired Word of God preached.

But I went for more than one reason. I held a secret yearning in my heart for the Lord to speak to me. Personally. And He did. Because our God is gracious and full of compassion. And He sees our desire for more of Him.

Has the Lord spoken to you when you truly needed to hear His voice? If you stay still before Him, God will give you exactly what you need. As only He can. I pray God speaks to you this week. In your personal life, with your writing pursuits, wherever you need direction.


King’s Highway – Stop & Consider












Summer is slipping away. The lazy, hazy days of the season seemed to speed up for me this year. Returning from a recent vacation which also seemed much too fast, I thought about this verse from Job.

Stop and consider God’s wonders.

As we enjoy the last sweet offerings of the season, I challenge you to STOP – and look around you.

  • As you relax on the shore and listen to the rhythm of the waves, let God’s peace sweep over your soul. 
  • Watch a sunset streak across the evening sky and applaud the Master Artist. 
  • View a field of fireflies at dusk and laugh at the quirkiness of God’s humor.
  • Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and rejoice in the true Light of the World. 

God’s wonders are all around us. In each and every season.

Blessings to you on the lingering days of summer…



King’s Highway – Stablish, Strengthen, Settle








We must never forget our strength comes from Jesus.

Trying to walk in our own strength, our own wisdom never works. We will fail.

When this world threatens to overwhelm us with all its sin and sorrow, we need to remember – it is Christ who strengthens us.

Another scripture I love is found in I Peter 5:10. “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

I picture the Lord setting me firmly in the right path, pouring His strength into my being, settling me with a peace that passes all understanding.

Praying the Lord will ” stablish, strengthen, settle you” today.


Love the Lord your God with all your heart…









The first and greatest commandment. Do we obey?

Or do we get so caught up in the busyness of life that we forget our first love?

No matter what your week looks like, I invite you to join me in focusing upon this scripture every morning, noon and evening.

Loving God with all our hearts, our souls, our minds. No holding back.


King’s Highway – God had a better plan

Have you ever planned something with the best intentions only to have it go in a completely different direction?

My husband and I were away last weekend – he went to a Men’s Retreat and I went along with him since we were continuing our travels after the retreat to visit our most favorite church in Long Island. I dubbed it my writers retreat and planned to lock myself in the hotel room and write.  I took tons of work with me and had very lofty goals.

God had other plans.

The weather was beautiful. I refused to stay inside.

I walked.And walked some more.

Sat on the patio in the sunshine.

Spent time with friends.


Had lunch with my husband and some dear people whom I look up to as spiritual mentors.

I relaxed.

Write? Not so much.

The rest of the weekend was wonderful and exactly what I needed. God knows. His plans were so much better than my plans.

I came home encouraged and refreshed and ready to write.

Has the Lord ever turned your plans around and made everything so much better with HIS PLANS?




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