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Determined Drive – S T R E T C H







What have  you done recently that has stretched your personality and taken you beyond your comfort zone? 

I want to grow as a writer. Which means I need to learn the craft, expand my horizons, widen my network and establish a platform.

Some of these things require a S T R E T C H I N G of my abilities. Pushing past my own limitations and emotions. Trusting God to meet me as I step out in unknown territory.

One of my stretching exercises – I attend a monthly business meeting in my local area for networking purposes. Every time the date rolls around, I get the jitters. I know once I get there, I’ll be glad I made the effort. But the idea of walking into a room (always a different location) meeting new people, sharing a brief bio…thank you but I’d rather be back home at my desk writing ( :  Yet every time I go, I come back energized, with a stash of new business cards, new contacts and possible ideas for new articles.

But I still get the jitters. And each month I push myself out the door and force myself to do what I need to.

Your comfort zone may be different from mine. Stepping out of your comfort zone may mean something more drastic like skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing or whitewater rafting.

What do you force yourself to do to grow as a writer or to expand your life? How has this helped you?




Found: the perfect setting








A country farmhouse view from the home setting. I’ve used characteristics of my own house in some of my stories. But I had the best experience this spring when I came upon the perfect layout for my latest WIP.

I visited a dear friend in SC in her home and felt like I had stumbled into my character’s house. The room layout, antiques, books, decor, patio, yard – surely I had been here before. Only in my imagination. My friend and I had never discussed her home or decor  and I had never visited from NY – so it truly was a complete surprise.

I walked from room to room, marveling at the similarities in my story. What a gift! It is much easier to create a setting from a visual image. I did take pictures (with permission) and will use them for inspiration as I write.

Some authors present wonderful settings. My favorites include the Mitford series and the different locations in Robin Jones Gunn Sisterchicks series. I know there are others –The Rose of Winslow Street, Wonderland Creek, Making Waves...the list goes on.

Do you have a favorite book you’ve read where you are completely drawn into the setting?


NOTE: Last week’s winner is Carolyn Boyles.




A favorite place to write…








is by the water. Whether it is Long Island Sound (photo) or on the bay or even at a lake. I just seem to write better in the summertime when I’m sitting by the waves. Since we have family and friends in the LI area, there are usually opportunities in this warm season to visit and find some quiet time to write. I enjoy the fellowship but I also love my time alone to compose.

   “Want to go fishing with us?” they ask. Nope. I’m good right here on the deck, watching the seagulls. I confess I’ve written some of my best pieces – by the water.









What is one of your favorite places to write?

  • On the patio or porch?
  • At your desk?
  • On the couch or in a comfortable armchair?
  • In the gazebo?
  • On a dock or in a boat, idling in the middle of the lake?
  • At a coffee shop or tearoom?

Leave a comment sharing a favorite place to write and enter to win a free copy of Love on a Dime by Cara Lynn James, a Ladies of Summerhill novel.



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