What have you done recently that has stretched your personality and taken you beyond your comfort zone?
I want to grow as a writer. Which means I need to learn the craft, expand my horizons, widen my network and establish a platform.
Some of these things require a S T R E T C H I N G of my abilities. Pushing past my own limitations and emotions. Trusting God to meet me as I step out in unknown territory.
One of my stretching exercises – I attend a monthly business meeting in my local area for networking purposes. Every time the date rolls around, I get the jitters. I know once I get there, I’ll be glad I made the effort. But the idea of walking into a room (always a different location) meeting new people, sharing a brief bio…thank you but I’d rather be back home at my desk writing ( : Yet every time I go, I come back energized, with a stash of new business cards, new contacts and possible ideas for new articles.
But I still get the jitters. And each month I push myself out the door and force myself to do what I need to.
Your comfort zone may be different from mine. Stepping out of your comfort zone may mean something more drastic like skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing or whitewater rafting.
What do you force yourself to do to grow as a writer or to expand your life? How has this helped you?