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One Major Goal by Dec. 31st

                                                                                                                                                                                                            September. Four more months left of this year.

Many of us began 2012 with lofty goals and a list of resolutions. Now is a good time to focus on the positive things you’ve accomplished this year in writing or in other areas of your life.

Don’t dwell on the negative. Don’t beat yourself up for what you haven’t done. You still have four full months to reach success.    

So choose a realistic goal. Not five or ten. 

One major goal by Dec.31st.

My choice is to complete revisions on my novel. (I’m halfway there.) Then I can start the new year returning to my new WIP that started out well but is…um…no longer “in progress.”

What single goal will you choose to complete in these last four months?

King’s Highway – Stop & Consider












Summer is slipping away. The lazy, hazy days of the season seemed to speed up for me this year. Returning from a recent vacation which also seemed much too fast, I thought about this verse from Job.

Stop and consider God’s wonders.

As we enjoy the last sweet offerings of the season, I challenge you to STOP – and look around you.

  • As you relax on the shore and listen to the rhythm of the waves, let God’s peace sweep over your soul. 
  • Watch a sunset streak across the evening sky and applaud the Master Artist. 
  • View a field of fireflies at dusk and laugh at the quirkiness of God’s humor.
  • Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and rejoice in the true Light of the World. 

God’s wonders are all around us. In each and every season.

Blessings to you on the lingering days of summer…



Buddy Check – Writers Groups








Last week we talked about the necessity of having writing buddies. To carry that a step further I believe it is wise to become involved with writing groups and organizations. The photo above features some members of the Christian Writer’s Den with Vonda Skelton.

Vonda has a helpful blog with educational posts, writing opportunities and just plain good advice. The Writer’s Den includes members from all over the country who often meet up at conferences.

American Christian Fiction Writers is another wonderful organization with active discussions on their loop forum, online classes every month and the encouraging and helpful camaraderie of other writers.

My Book Therapy group with Susie May Warren is chock full of writerly news, ideas, links and all kinds of fun stuff matching Susan’s vibrant personality.

If you do attend a writers conference, they probably have a blog to offer support during the year. Since I attend Blue Ridge Mts. Christian Writers Conference, I follow their blog each week.

What writing groups or organizations do you belong to?

Who would you recommend?

Which ones have truly made a difference in your writing efforts?


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