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Back to School? Or maybe not…








Back to school sales. School buses on the road again. September is a busy time of year for many people. But among us kidless folk the month blends into all the others. Don’t need to head out for school supplies or worry about the latest fashions for the little ones. September is:

  • Getting ready for the change of seasons.
  • Anticipating the crisp air, the tang of apple cider and the sugary sweetness of warm cider donuts.
  • Admiring the blaze of leafy colors, picturing angels with tiny paintbrushes.
  • Meeting up with friends at my favorite tearoom.
  • Celebrating our anniversary at Lake George Jazz Festival, sitting by the lake with hubby, soaking in the sun, mellowed by the background music and watching the boats drift by.
  • Dinner lakeside, with treasured friends.

All enjoyable pastimes but there is also work to be done.

Focusing on the yard, garden and cleaning out the garage for the winter months. Changing my home decor to a warmer, cozier feel to bring me through the colder snowier months ahead. Catching up with my writing pursuits and my writing friends.

Other than back to school issues, what does September mean to you?

Especially fellow kidless comrades…I’m curious.


Speak, my Lord










I traveled two hours last night with my husband to attend a church district conference. We traveled two hours back the same evening. Was it worth the trip? Yes.

Spending time with those of ‘like precious faith,” greeting old friends and meeting new ones, singing gospel songs and hymns together, lifting our voices in worship to our Lord and Savior and listening to the inspired Word of God preached.

But I went for more than one reason. I held a secret yearning in my heart for the Lord to speak to me. Personally. And He did. Because our God is gracious and full of compassion. And He sees our desire for more of Him.

Has the Lord spoken to you when you truly needed to hear His voice? If you stay still before Him, God will give you exactly what you need. As only He can. I pray God speaks to you this week. In your personal life, with your writing pursuits, wherever you need direction.


Seasonal Settings





Christmas is coming. I know, I know, much too soon to be talking about it. Every year I look forward to reading new novels set during the cold and wintery holiday season. But it’s too early for Christmas.

I’ve just finished up some summery stories written around coastal towns and fun beach reads while listening to the waves lap against the shore as perfect background music.                                                                                                                                                              

I’ve read some stories set in the springtime but few based on the fall season.

I can think of a couple: Grace in Autumn by Lori Copeland and Angela Hunt & Autumn Dreams by Gayle Roper. 


I need suggestions for books written around the fall or Thanksgiving holiday to read against the backdrop of a color-burst autumn in upstate New York. 

 Any suggestions of books you’ve read/written or new novels coming out?

 What is your favorite season to read/write about?

Please note: All those who commented on last post regarding goals – I believe we can do it! Four months  and counting to reach our One Major Goal by year end. Please keep me informed of your progress.

As a farewell salute to summer – when you leave a comment on this post you’ll be entered into a drawing to win Talk of the Town by Lisa Wingate. Winner to be announced around next weekend.

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