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businesses,businesswomen,lists,metaphors,occupations,overworked,persons,women             Complete revisions (once again) to The Book.

Done! This was number one on my ahem…very long to do list. I was hoping to complete this by end of December but upped the pace so I would have a break through the holidays. I can’t properly express my satisfaction on finishing up that last chapter. Saved the document, emailed several friends to rejoice together and sat back waiting. The Book was ready. Any moment now the phone would ring from my agent. Oh wait. I don’t have one yet. Well then, time to check email. Surely the last editor I had an appointment with would sense through her writerly intuition that it was time to send me an email. Clicking on the keys, I found my inbox held all kinds of quirky messages but none from The Editor. Ah well. I’ve been told these things take time. On that note, I recently read a post from a friend who has been working on her book since around 1997. Amazing. Her commitment and stubborn determination not to give up. This year she won a Genesis award.    I think she deserves a special recognition for her perseverance. Waving madly at Kathleen Maher! I am so proud of her. And inspired by her example.

Several posts back we discussed goals for the last three months of 2012. Have you crossed any goals off your list? To celebrate, I’m offering a giveaway on this post. Leave a comment on a project you have completed in the last month or two. From finishing a rough draft of a novel to sending out a query letter. I want to know what you have accomplished…let’s rejoice together! One winner will receive a copy of Hello Hollywood! by Janice Thompson.

Prayers for Long Island & NYC



I had a different topic for this week but I can’t get away from the recent storm that has left NYC and LI in such a turmoil. My sister lives in Long Beach, a sweet ocean-side community in LI. She has been evacuated since last Sunday. Our cousin works for a local news station in Sch’dy and was down there with a news crew this week. He said it looks like a war zone. My most favorite church is in LI and most of the congregants were without power this week. Others lost their homes.

In one instant lives are completely turned around. Homes flooded out, businesses swept away. And to have these problems in the huge populace of LI and a city the size of NY…I can’t begin to imagine how overwhelming the situation truly is at this point. Please do pray for these people as they re-build their lives.

Are you prepared for a natural disaster? What precautions have you taken?  Do you think it could never happen to you?

I read a book series years ago by Terri Blackstock called the Restoration novels. First book is Last Light. The stories are amazing and thought-provoking. I would highly recommend these books.  In what feels like the last days, Jesus is our bright light out of the darkness. We may face tragedies, lose everything we have, but no one can take away the hope of heaven in our hearts. We can exist without power, lights, cell phones and laptops. But we can’t live without Jesus.  Hopefully, out of their desperate needs, people will once again call upon the Savior for help and realize they need Jesus more than anything else.  Please join me in praying for all those affected by this storm. (We were fortunate in upstate NY, it passed us by. We were spared this time and we are forever grateful. Towns and villages around here are still recuperating from Irene.) If you know anyone in these areas, please do reach out to them.

Encouragement for Baffled Bloggers








Does anyone actually read your blog? Are you scrambling for topics of interest?

Do you drag yourself to the computer for yet another post, hoping someone, somewhere out there in cyberspace, will bother to comment?

Are you just plain baffled by it all? 

I started my journey on Lovely Lane one year ago this month. A Happy Anniversary in Blogville! Since I don’t have a book published (yet) and I’m not known world-wide (probably never) and I’m still establishing a platform locally (slowly, steadily, image of tired turtle crawl) I didn’t expect tons of people to flock to my blog.

My secret to contentment? I still enjoy writing posts. Best of all, I know some of my posts have helped others. Whether passing on a writing opportunity, sharing writing wisdom gleaned from conferences, motivating others to continue in their craft or helping someone personally through a hard time. Lately, two people have connected from the blog and are sharing stories of tough times. They are both edified through the process; the one receiving help, compassion, and encouragement and the other blessed to be on the “giving” end. God is good. He alone is able to make these connections.

Don’t doubt the impact of your words. The Lord has a way of connecting us at just the right time with someone else. Do all to His glory and He will surprise you with His perfect plan. Blog bravely, blog boldly and be baffled no more! 

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