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Christmas-What changes will you make this year?

Every year the holidays sneak up on us and we feel unprepared. Or maybe that’s just me : ) Looking back at last year, I did better with trying to focus more on the message of the season – the gift of our Savior. This year:

  1. Every time I hear those ringing bells, I stop by the Salvation Army Kettle and drop in a bill. Even if it is only $1.00. And along with the donation, I offer a heartfelt, “Merry Christmas!” Not a wimpy Happy Holidays, but a solid, old fashioned, normal, traditional Merry Christmas. It feels good. And it always makes the bell-ringer smile.
  2. Planning on shopping at many small local businesses. I dislike malls. I also am tired of reading Made in China. Local craft fairs and boutiques offer unique gifts. We need to support our local economy.
  3. Buying books. A lot of books. And music. And dvds. From a Christian bookstore or I’m always cheered knowing my money is supporting Christian authors, musicians or artists. Spreading the good news at Christmas.
  4. Writing my thoughts and memories down for future stories and articles. Love Christmas stories. More on that next post…

Simple changes. But they make a difference.

What will you do differently this year?


Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Photo by C.A. Lovely 12/2011

It’s hard to believe we’re back at Christmas Corner again. As soon as Thanksgiving is over, the holiday race begins.

Christmas…everyone’s favorite holiday.

Or maybe not. It may bring happy memories or sad regrets.

Wherever you are this holiday season, I invite you to join me in my seasonal goal. To fix my focus upon Jesus.

Not because the holiday celebrates the birth of the Savior. But because He is my Savior 365 days of the year. Sometimes in the roller coaster of emotions the holiday brings, we forget what it’s all about. I want to center my gaze upon Him. Through every relationship, every event, every celebration. To refuse to be pulled into the frantic pace and mindless materialism.

By simply spending time with Jesus every day and centering my will in Him. Doesn’t that sound like an awesome Christmas?



A Different Kind of Thanks











What are you thankful for?

No, wait…don’t answer yet!

I want you to think of simple things. Not the normal rote response to that question: my home, husband, job, etc. This is all good but I’d like you to go beyond that today.

I’m thankful for:

  1. Clotheslines and clothespins – love bringing in freshly laundered sheets and towels.
  2. Falling asleep in peace with no war zones outside my house. Blessed quiet and safety.
  3. Libraries. Love love love the library.
  4. Fine point pens. The skinnier the better.
  5. Birdfeeders and birdseed for my featherly fluttering friends. (repeat that fast 5 times : )
  6. A song in my heart. Continually.
  7. York peppermint patties. Yum.
  8. A featherbed mattress. Yawn.
  9. Candlelight. Warm, inviting, cozy.
  10. Lists. Keeping me organized.                                                                                                                                                                    I could keep going but now it’s your turn…

And the winner of Hello, Hollywood is – Anita! Please send me your mailing address.



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