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Photo C.A. Lovely

First of all, stop yelling. This is not a post about keeping the Christmas tree up all year. In fact, this tree isn’t mine. It was at a lovely inn we visited in Vermont. Second of all, it’s also not about keeping the decorations up. I know it feels good to get the house back to normal and on to the New Year. I would like to define the reasons Christmas remains one of our favorite holidays. Perhaps we can carry some of those things into the next few months.

  1. We focus on the Lord.
  2. We give more than usual – of our time.
  3. We give of our money in donations.
  4. We give gifts to friends and family.
  5. We make the effort to clean house and decorate.
  6. We reach out to others less fortunate than ourselves.
  7. We throw parties and celebrate.
  8. We take time off from work.
  9. We listen to music and participate in concerts.
  10. We find time to make things special.

I’m sure there are items listed here that we can continue if we make the effort. Every month there is something to celebrate and future posts on this blog will list some of those events. Some well known. Some not so much : ) We’ll learn about many reasons to continue the celebration and also – to inspire future writing endeavors.

What would you choose from this list for the next month?

What would you add to the list?

Winter Wonders

Photo by C.A. Lovely 12/2012

If you look very closely, you can see a spot of red in this picture. That would be my visiting cardinal sneaking up on the birdseed bell.



                                                                                                                                         Now that the New Year has arrived and we’ve received our first big snowstorm, I’m making a list of winter activities. But I truly need your help. The first snowfall is lovely. Several snowstorms later it begins to lose its appeal…

If you live in a cold climate, what do you do during the winter months to combat cabin fever?

What are some of your favorite winter activities that you can do only in the winter months?

It may be something as simple as wearing your favorite fuzzy red sweater to cuddling under a warm throw with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate. I would love some unusual suggestions.  I’d like to incorporate some of the ideas into my writings.And it may help you think of some new ideas for yourself.

To those of you who live in a warm climate, what do you think you would enjoy about winter? If anything : ) Does this picture inspire you or make you want to catch the first flight out to Florida?


Savoring the Season…

Photo by C.A. Lovely 12/2012

Christmas flashes by in a blur of high speed with weeks of frantic preparation only to fizzle out in a moment along with the lights on the tree. I refuse to end it on 12/25.

Often the weeks after the holidays are the most enjoyable. The house is still decorated, the pressure is off and family obligations have been met. Now there is time for personal reflection and preparation for the coming new year. Creativity begins to flow again as I write about sweet holiday memories and funny episodes.

A recent snowstorm of 16 inches (and it’s still snowing!) contributes to the “stay-snug-at-home” feeling. Cardinals, finches and bluejays flit around the gazebo frame in the yard, appreciative of the birdseed Christmas bells. As evening slips in, outside Christmas lights cast pools of brightness on to the fresh snow and sparkle off newly formed icicles hanging between the decor.

Simple pleasures – the week after. 

What is your favorite thing to do after Christmas?

How do you savor the season and make it last longer? 

Do you find it easier to write at this time?

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