First of all, stop yelling. This is not a post about keeping the Christmas tree up all year. In fact, this tree isn’t mine. It was at a lovely inn we visited in Vermont. Second of all, it’s also not about keeping the decorations up. I know it feels good to get the house back to normal and on to the New Year. I would like to define the reasons Christmas remains one of our favorite holidays. Perhaps we can carry some of those things into the next few months.
- We focus on the Lord.
- We give more than usual – of our time.
- We give of our money in donations.
- We give gifts to friends and family.
- We make the effort to clean house and decorate.
- We reach out to others less fortunate than ourselves.
- We throw parties and celebrate.
- We take time off from work.
- We listen to music and participate in concerts.
- We find time to make things special.
I’m sure there are items listed here that we can continue if we make the effort. Every month there is something to celebrate and future posts on this blog will list some of those events. Some well known. Some not so much : ) We’ll learn about many reasons to continue the celebration and also – to inspire future writing endeavors.
What would you choose from this list for the next month?
What would you add to the list?