Our lives are often complicated. We rush through each day in a blur of busyness. Remember when we were children and everything seemed so simple? Maybe its time to practice the Art of Simplicity.
The first step? Slow down. Take time to look at the big picture. Consider the old phrase, “Will this matter 100 years from now?” We get caught up in projects and responsibilities, deadlines and headlines. What is truly important to you?
I had a short conversation with a friendly clerk at a local drug store a few weeks ago. He took the time to chat while I made my purchase. And shared his mantra upon arriving at a certain age in his life. “I decided I’m not going to rush anymore. I’m taking the time to enjoy life.” He chatted with each customer while still ringing up their purchases. There were no long lines, he still managed to get his work done. Kudos to him on his journey to simplicity.
The best advice I can offer is to start cultivating the art of simplicity by spending time with Jesus. If we take those moments to cast all our cares upon Him and allow the peace of God to rule in our hearts, we will find our simplicity.
How do you practice the art of simplicity?
In what areas of your life do you need to simplify?