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Word of God Speak

My husband and I recently enrolled in a Bible Institute in Long Island. We drive almost 4 hours once a month to spend a weekend in classes, studying the Word. And it is definitely worth the travel, time and financial commitment. The more we study, the more we are aware of the power in the Word of God. It seeps into the deepest part of our hearts, bringing change, renewal, and strength. The Word covers us with protection. Fills us with joy. Convicts us of sin. Offers us grace. The more we read it, memorize it, study it, the more alive it is in our lives.

I challenge you this week to spend some time every day reading your Bible. Allow God to speak to you. You may be surprised what a difference it makes in your week. And on a side note, even your writing will be better because of it!

Please share one of your favorite scriptures in a comment.


Organization – Tracking Submissions










“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” – Winnie the Pooh

Writers – What is the best way to keep track of your submissions so you’re not “all mixed up?” 

I keep a journal and also try to keep an updated Excel list. I’m sure there are many creative ways to choose from so please do share your most successful method! 

Readers – how do you keep track of the books you read?

Do you use Goodreads or Shelfari? Any preference?


Funny March Ideas for Writers










Lovely blossoms, can you tell I’m in a hurry for Spring? The following list offers some important but not as famous holidays and events for this month. Use them as writing prompts or to add to your own celebrations. After all, who wouldn’t want to participate in:

  • Multiple Personality Day on March 5th (character sketch challenge)
  • 12th – Organize Home Office Day (get busy)
  • 15th – True Confessions Day (romance prompt)
  • 16th – National Quilting Day (buggy book)
  • 18th – National Awkward Moments Day (comedy article)
  • 20th – Proposal Day (romance or comedy : )
  • 22nd- National Goof Off Day (yawn)
  • 22nd – As Young As You Feel Day (boomer article)
  • 27th – Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day (yeah, you could have fun with this)

Wishing you all a sweet month giving our fond farewells to winter and welcoming SPRING!

What do you celebrate this month?

How do you prepare for Spring?

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