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Positive Words Only

backs,cruel,Fotolia,jokes,kick me,kick me signs,kicks,males,men,Photographs,practical jokes,pranks,shirts,signs,teases,teasing

Did you ever have your day begin by receiving a nasty-gram email or an angry text?  And the rest of the day felt like the above picture? Careless words, whether written or spoken, can blanket the whole day in a negative cloud.

Just from a few simple words.

As true followers of Jesus, may we learn to guard our words carefully and with wisdom and prayer. Spoken words and written words are powerful. We have the choice to slant our words in a positive or negative direction.

I challenge you this week to start each day with an encouragement. To a friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor.

And watch what a difference it makes to those around you.

Stifle the urge to criticize.

Practice the art of encouragement.

Share life-giving words of truth and hope.


“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul…” Proverbs 16:24


Book Giveaway – To enter, leave a comment or share a quote on encouragement. Winner will receive a copy of a cozy mystery,  “The Wedding Caper,” by Janice A. Thompson. 

And my life will never be the same…how about you?


Simplicity…in Social Media?

Is there such a thing as simplicity in the growing world of social media? I know there will be many varied opinions on this subject so I’m stepping out here to voice my own. Personally, I have to make better use of my time. At this point in my life, I would not enjoy Facebook or Twitter. I want to write. There are enough distractions around us every day to keep us from doing what we love to do. I refuse to be caught up in the clamor that says, “you’ll never establish a platform without juggling all these accounts!” Okay. That may be your opinion. Again, I want to write.

Do you feel pressure to join the social media frenzy? The determining factor: would you enjoy it? If not, refuse to cave in to the pressure. If you have an editor or publisher encouraging you to do this, that is a totally different story. Absolutely take their advice. But if you are hearing it from every other author and writer-wanta-be, think carefully before you make your decision. I have no quarrel with those who are actively involved and love what they are doing. Go for it! My only complaint is the pressure to join the ranks with the threat of total failure if you don’t comply. I guess I have no grand illusions of being rich and famous and having the world know my name.  I have my website, blog and a Linked-In account for business connections. Otherwise, I’m socially media-free and content. For now, anyway : ) Do you facebook and twitter away? What do you gain from it? Please share your thoughts (politely) in a comment.

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