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Mourning a Character

I’ve been watching a BBC series on dvd almost every weekend. Mid-way through the series, one of the main characters died very tragically. I was angry!  Could not believe it. After the anger passed, I felt like I was actually mourning the character.

I know, it’s a movie, not real, just a story. But somehow the family life of the series had become part of my emotions and I still miss this guy. He was an integral part of the story. An elderly man who was a bit of a crank and definitely eccentric. Yet still likable. I know I’ll have to get used to him being gone, but I’ll miss him : )  Obviously good writing.

So…how do we make our characters likable?

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and thought about the characters long after?

Or actually mourned a character?

Singing & Making Melody

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Sing, Sing, Sing, for today is Spring!

Well, not quite. It’s still in the low fifties and feels like it will never get warm. But the birds have been singing away this week. And so have I.

Since I live in the country, it takes me from fifteen minutes to an hour to get to a store, church or work. I like to use the driving time in prayer and often, in song.

Worship. Rejoicing. Lifting up the name of Jesus.

Inviting Him to ride along with me wherever I go. I’ve felt the presence of the Lord fill the car.  Sometimes I have to slow down to wipe away the tears when I remember all God has done for me through the simple words of a chorus or hymn.

Do you entertain the Lord with songs?

Whether you have a gorgeous voice or one that hurts the ears, I encourage you to sing to the Lord. Draw closer to Him in Worship. Ultimately our lives will be blessed. And His creativity will flow once again.

A wonderful way to charge up your writing life!


Murmur & Complain…or Give Thanks?

Yesterday morning I woke up to winter weather, freezing rain, sleet and chilling temperatures. Most of our snow had finally melted away but now the grass was again covered in white and everything was iced.

It’s April in New York. I moaned and groaned and began a list of complaints. Recent studies in Exodus came to mind and I stopped in mid-complaint. Did not want to be like those who murmured and complained for years and years through that long, long journey to the promised land. I shook off the mood. Stood straighter. Lifted my head up and praised God. I had so much to be thankful for:

  1. I had Friday off and did not have to go out in this weather. Praise God!
  2. Though the ice fell off the roof all day and the storm continued, we never lost power. Praise God!
  3. I was able to begin the day with a prayer session and fellowship with my Lord. Beautiful.
  4. I concentrated on all the things I could do inside that day, knowing once the weather turned nice, I’d want to be outside.
  5. It was a productive day! I got so much done with housework and chores. Praise God!
  6. I continually thanked God that I don’t live in Alaska.

Have you thanked God today?

Thank you for the comments last week on positive words. Congrats to the winner of “The Wedding Caper”  – Cindy Regnier. Please send me your mailing address!

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