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Conference Conversation & Blue Ridge Blues


Due to scheduling conflicts I was unable to attend the Blue Ridge Conference this year. Since I have gone to it for the last six years, this was a major disappointment and I sang the Blue Ridge Blues all week…but I’ll be making my reservation early for 2014 : )

If you attended, please do leave a comment and fill me in on Blue Ridge 2013. What was your favorite class or workshop? The best keynote message? Was TM as hysterically funny as last year? I heard something about TS line dancing? Probably instigated by EME? Did you remember to thank Dr. A and his sidekick EM for all their hard work? And most important -Did you leave the conference with a new motivation to go home and WRITE?

If you didn’t attend Blue Ridge but another conference really encouraged you, do leave a comment. Oh, but I miss my Blue Ridge Mountains… 

NOTE: WINNER OF DYING TO READ IS – MERRY! Congrats and please email your mailing address.

Complicated Characters


Do your characters walk right out of the book? We’re supposed to make them as “real” as possible but where is the fine line of reality and likeability? If I make my character too snarky, someone won’t like her.

Too imperfect, they may get tired of how many times she messes up.

Sweet, charming and beautiful, we’ll all hate her because she’s too good : )

Writers – how do you create believable, likeable characters?

 Readers – Tell me about a favorite character in a book you’ve read and why you like them.

Book Giveaway: Answer one of these questions in a comment and you’ll be entered into a contest to win Dying to Read by Lorena McCourtney.

Kidless on Mother’s Day

                             but what if you’re not a mother?

                           or your mother has died?

Either of these facts tend to make Mother’s Day a very difficult time. If you relate to this, how do you deal with Mother’s Day? I’m re-posting this from last year because I feel it is important. There were so many heartfelt replies so I know many others deal with this day and often struggle through it.

I’m doing good with the no kids part, check out my Kidless & Content article with Sasee:

But I can’t seem to get over missing my mom and Mother’s Day hits hard.

Please leave a comment with how you manage on this day.

Any suggestions or encouragement for each other in either circumstance is most welcome.

I know Jesus is the only One who can fill those empty places in our hearts.

And I also know the Lord will pass the following message on to my mother – the very best mother in all the world. What a day  of rejoicing when we’ll be together again!

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