Warning – Weather Tantrum here.
Since Memorial Day weekend we have had rain, rain, and more rain. Throw in a tornado for good measure and then add some more rain, rain, rain, but with the added novelty of hail and flood warnings. Summers in New York are short to begin with, three months tops if you’re lucky. According to the calendar, it is fast fading away into two months.
What to do, what to do?? If you’ve been overcome with rainstorms, here’s the plan:
- At any hint of sunshine, run, run, run outside! Grab a lawn chair, find a spot where you will not float away and soak up any rays that you can, while you can. Seriously. Drop everything else to do this. You need the Vitamin D.
- As soon as the rain starts in again, run, run, run back inside and catch up on all the housework, laundry, ironing, writing, etc. so when the sun shines again you can go back to #1.
I’m wondering about characters in a story and how they can be affected by weather. Maybe a recluse that won’t go out unless the sun is shining. Or for a different twist, they will only go outside when it rains. Is the sun shining in your world?
Book Giveaway -Broken Trust by Sharon Dunn.
To enter the drawing, leave a comment with a description of “your perfect summer day.”