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“Plans…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

THE WORD -Proverbs 3:5-6  (NKJV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Yes, I had to pick up this calendar since it had my name on it. I have designated this as a writing schedule and the only updates on each day is the type of writing I have accomplished.I’ve discovered keeping it separate helps me to focus.

And of course, my new appointment book by Paperblanks:

I love these little appointment books. The design on this one is “Azure” patterned after the 1688 binding of L’office ‘de la Semaine Sainte, detailing the rites of the Christian Holy Week, edged in gilt. I have my calendars and appointment books ready. Pages blank and new, waiting for my imprint. Yet I have no idea of what this year will bring.

Have you ever been in that place?

We are in such a waiting period right now, praying and searching for God’s direction. Stretching our faith till it squeaks. In that impossible situation where only God can intervene.

Trust. Acknowledge Him. He will direct our paths. When we looked yesterday, there was no path. No road. No signpost.

But when we look tomorrow, or the next day or the day after…there’s a road we never saw before! God has promised.              Oh, but the waiting is hard! Yet God is faithful.

Are you in a waiting period right now?

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.


“Lovely Smartiephone Rules” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN MY WORDSI gave in.

It took a long time but I finally got a smartie phone. I like this term better than smartphone and some of the brand names.

It sounds a bit more friendly than names like android and galaxy. I’d rather not feel like I’m on another planet conversing with aliens..

So will this smartiephone make me any smarter? Observing many others and their constant use of this product, I have my doubts. There are several vows I am determined to keep with this new gadget.

  1. I will not use this phone when I am driving a car. It will remain in my purse until I am back home or legally parked.
  2. I will not check it 50+ times a day. I’ve lived without it for a long time and will continue to do so, using it only when needed.
  3. I will not pull it out when I am in conversation with someone else, unless they are asking me a question and the answer is on the phone. (needing someone’s phone number or showing pictures)
  4. I will not go out to eat at a restaurant and sit across from someone, ignoring them while I give complete attention to my phone. It will stay in my purse. I will only answer it if it looks like an emergency call.
  5. I will not use it to vent, argue or attempt any serious communication.

And thereby rests my case. Feel free to adapt some of these rules yourself. It is nice to have the phone and it can be convenient. I enjoy staying in touch more with my long distance friends. (waving at Connie)

But I’d much rather concentrate on people and face to face conversation when it is an option.

I WILL control the phone and it will NOT control me.   #refusetobecontrolledbyphone

Do you have any rules for your phone? Now, let’s see if I can follow my own rules : )

“Letting Go…” by Cynthia A. Lovely

I have officially declared 2018 a year to Declutter and Simplify. Clutter can take over our lives and distract us from what is truly important. We all want a cleaner slate for the New Year, right? So where should we start? Well, first off, let me share a few tips that I have learned the hard way.

  1. PRAY. A short prayer for determination and the ability to let go. We can’t do it alone. 
  2. Start small. It is too easy to jump in with all good intentions and soon find ourselves…overwhelmed.
  3. Choose one thing to focus on and begin sorting. What is making you the most irritated right now? Closets? Kitchen drawers? Cabinets? Your desk?? Personally, I feel overwhelmed with paperwork. Writing projects, receipts, bills, letters, cards, saved brochures etc. But I can only do a little bit at a time or it makes me…crazy. So whatever area you choose to attack, dive in but back off when you start feeling like the piles of stuff are growing before your eyes.
  4.  Give yourself credit for every bit of progress, no matter how tiny! If you threw out one bag full of shredded papers, you have accomplished getting rid of SOMETHING. Sorting clothes? Again, one bag or box is PROGRESS.
  5. Put it aside, if an item ties you up with too many memories and you can’t decide to toss or keep. You can always go back to it later. Don’t slow yourself down.
  6. Space out your time to declutter. If you do a little bit each day, you will eventually see the difference you are making in your household. But if that doesn’t work for you, go at it one day for a few hours, then skip a day or two. We can’t dwell on the big picture or we will end up back at the beginning – overwhelmed.
  7. Pretend you’re moving : ) Seriously, do you really want to pack all that stuff?

Now it’s your turn.

What project will you start with? I’d love to hear some Declutter Victory Reports!



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