Featuring two blogs this week with the Premio Dardos Award, an award that “acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their efforts to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write.” First, my friend Erin Elizabeth Austin at http://www.erinelizabethaustin.com/blog.html
Erin’s Broken but Priceless Ministries blog is an encouraging read for anyone suffering from chronic illness. I met Erin at Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference a few years ago. She is a lovely young woman with a passion to help others, sharing the wisdom gained from her own battles with unending health problems.
Another Blue Ridge friend, Sherry Carter, blogs at www.sherryjcarter.blogspot.com
Sherry is, in her own words, “a Reformed engineer – that’s me! After many years as an engineer at Johnson Space Center in Houston, God saw fit to yank me out of the Space world and sit me down in front of a laptop, writing about His Word.” Definitely an interesting background for a writer. Sherry won the Award for Excellence in Christian Writing at the Blue Ridge Mountains Writer’s Conference in 2006 for her Bible study, Storms of Life. Check out the blogs and pass them on to others for a good dose of encouragement!