First come the daffodills. Not in my garden, still covered in white. In my local grocery store, wrapped in bunches of ten for a brief glimpse of spring color. I love to see the sunny faces and always buy them as soon as they’re available.
I like to pick up an extra bunch to pass on to someone. It is my way of passing on the message and hope of Spring.
Would you join me in this act of kindness? Don’t you love it when someone brings you flowers?
Kind deeds rest so sweetly in the heart of the giver and the receiver.
A few weeks ago, while out of town to attend Bible College, a dear woman cheered my day. Upon returning to our friend’s home after a long, full day of intensive classes, she greeted us at the door with a plate of fresh brownies.
I had forgotten to bring any chocolate snacks and the aroma of freshly baked brownies almost did me in 🙂

As you change your clocks this weekend and Spring Forward, I encourage you to pass on an act of kindness. Flowers. Chocolate. Something simple. Something sweet.
I’d love to hear about your act of kindness in a comment.